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Pension Commission 2001-2002 Meetings

Pension Commission 2001 to 2002 Meetings

Jump down to 2001 Mar. 2 Mar. 5 Mar. 19 Mar. 23 Mar. 26 Apr. 2 Apr. 6 Aug. 23 Sep. 13 Oct. 9 Nov. 13 Dec. 11
Jump down to 2002 Jan. 22 Feb. 7 Feb. 12 Mar. 11 Jun. 11 Jul. 30 Aug. 29

Service Credit Purchase Subcommittee Meetings
Actuarial Services Subcommittee Meetings

2001 Meetings

Date/Time Location Agenda/Meeting Materials Multimedia/Minutes
March 2, 2001
11:00 AM
Room 316
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • Commission Reorganization:
    1. Election of Chair 2001-2002
    2. Election of Vice Chair 2001-2002
    3. Election of Secretary 2001-2002
    4. Discussion of Potential Meeting Days and Times
  • 3. Report on July 1, 2000, Actuarial Valuations
March 5, 2001
6:00 PM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • S.F. 451 (Pogemiller); H.F. 712 (Mares): PERA-Corr; Contribution Rate Reductions
  • S.F. 625 (Tomassoni); H.F. 474 (Rukavina): Eveleth P&F; Post Retirement Increase
  • S.F. 358 (Betzold); H.F. 557 (Haas): Osseo Volunteer Fire; Special Appropriation To Offset Liability Increase
  • S.F. 1231 (Betzold); H.F. 1295 (Haas): Volunteer Fire; Requiring Bonding or Insurance For Financial Consultants
  • S.F. 190 (Scheevel); H.F. 207 (Rifenberg): Volunteer Fire; Increase in Lump Sum Supplemental Benefit and State Reimbursement
  • S.F. 810 (Pogemiller); H.F. ___ ( ): PERA; Contribution Increases, Benefit Modifications, and Coverage Changes
  • S.F. ___ ( ); H.F. 855 (Mares): PERA; Contribution Increases, Benefit Modifications, and Coverage Changes
March 19, 2001
6:00 PM
Room 107
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • Update Briefing on Minnesota Retirement Building Project
  • S.F. 77 (Wiger); H.F. ___ ( ): PERA; Exclude Certain St. Paul City Trades Personnel and Metropolitan Airports Commission Plumbers From PERA Coverage
  • S.F. 1096 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1334 (Kahn): MSRS; University Hospital Employee Disability Benefits Continuation
  • S.F. 841 (Kiscaden); H.F. ___ ( ): TRA; Exempting Certain Teachers From Post-Retirement Earnings Limits and Reductions
  • S.F. 1129 (Johnson, Dean); H.F. 968 (Juhnke): Volunteer Firefighter Relief Associations; Provide Ambulance Service Personnel State Supplemental Benefits, and Increase Amount and Limits On Supplemental Benefits
  • S.F. 777 (Tomassoni); H.F. 1161 (Sertich): MSRS; Refund Eligibility
  • S.F. 24 (Wiger); H.F. 1839 (Mares): Volunteer Fire; Service Pension Payment Upon Fire Department Reemployment
  • S.F. ___ ( ); H.F. 855 (Mares): PERA; Contribution Increases, Benefit Modifications, and Coverage Changes
    S.F. 810 (Pogemiller); H.F. ___ ( ): PERA; Contribution Increases, Benefit Modifications, and Coverage Changes
March 23, 2001
12:00 PM
Room 107
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • Approval of Commission Budget Request
  • S.F. 1231 (Betzold); H.F. 1295 (Haas): VFRAs; Require Bonding or Insurance For Financial Consultants
  • S.F. 1694 (Betzold); H.F. ___ ( ): VFRAs; Open Meeting Law Clarification
  • S.F. 1536 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1743 (Murphy): Police State Aid; Tribal Police Departments Eligible
  • S.F. 1553 (Murphy); H.F. 1350 (Ozment): PERA; Inclusion of Metropolitan Inter-County Association Employees
  • S.F. ___ ( ); H.F. 855 (Mares): PERA; Funding Deficiency Correction
    S.F. 810 (Pogemiller); H.F. ___ ( ): PERA; Funding Deficiency Correction
    Consideration of Other PERA Funding Deficiency Correction Options
March 26, 2001
6:00 PM
Room 316
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • Report of the Prior Service Credit Purchase Subcommittee
    1. Report of Purchase Provisions (One Person/Small Group) Recommended by the Subcommittee
    2. Proposed Legislation (Generalized Service Credit Purchases) Recommended in Whole or In Part By The Subcommittee
      1. S.F. 517 (Betzold); H.F. 122 (Skoglund): Various Plans; Parental or Family Leave Service Credit Purchase
      2. S.F. 1321 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1462 (Mares): TRA & MnSCU IRAP; Prior Service Credit Purchase Provisions
    3. Proposed Legislation Forwarded Without Final Recommendation or For Further Study By the Commission
      1. Unofficial Subcommittee Engrossment of S.F. 313 (Larson); H.F. 303 (Cassell): PERA-P&F; Service Credit Purchase By Alexandria Police Chief
      2. S.F. ____ ( ); H.F. 1693 (Entenza): MSRS-Correctional; Correctional Plan Service Credit Provided
        S.F. 1548 (Chaudhary); H.F. 2000 (Goodwin): MSRS-Correctional; Service Credit Purchase For Department Of Corrections Retired Employee
      3. S.F. 314 (Larson); H.F. 295 (Cassell): TRA; PERA; Service Credit For Former St. Paul Police Officer, Wilkin County Attorney, and Alexandria Technical College Faculty Member (Daniel Sandell)
      4. S.F. 737 (Cohen); H.F. ____ ( ): PERA; Service Credit Purchase For Former St. Paul City Council Member (Len Levine)
      5. S.F. 1676 (Tomassoni); H.F. 1656 (Rukavina): TRA; Day Activity Center Teaching Service Credit Purchase
      6. S.F. 611 (Betzold); H.F. 1240 (Bernardy): Various Plans; Prior Military Service Credit Purchase Restriction Elimination
  • S.F. 1362 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1646 (Wenzel): TRA; Membership Modifications For Employees of Labor Organizations
  • S.F. 641 (Pogemiller); H.F. 695 (Osskopp): MSRS; Health Care Reimbursement Plan
  • S.F. 1322 (Stumpf); H.F. 1294 (Mares): MSRS; Post-Retirement Health Care Savings Plan
  • S.F. 1484 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1768 (Mullery): MPRA; Minneapolis Police Relief Association Voluntary Employee Benefit Organization
  • S.F. ____ ( ); H.F. 2029 (Haas): Department of Employee Relations Health Care Account Establishment
  • S.F 1863 (Rest); H.F. 1896 (Skoglund): Legislators Plan; Create Coordinated Program
  • S.F. 1736 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1415 (Mares): MnSCU; Tax Sheltered Annuity Program Vendor Contract Provision Modification
  • S.F. 1605 (Pogemiller); H.F. 2112 (Smith): PERA-Corr; Coverage for Hennepin County Medical Center Protection Officers
  • S.F. 1038 (Pogemiller); H.F. 999 (Mares): PERA-Corr; Coverage for Probation Officers and 911 Dispatchers
  • S.F. 1665 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1772 (Kahn): Supplemental Plans; Supplemental Pension Plan Contribution Restriction Exception
  • S.F. 1696 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1793 (Kahn): MPRA; Authorize Referendum Of Members Relating To The Conduct Of Elections
  • S.F. 77 (Wiger); H.F. ____ ( ): PERA; Exclude Certain St. Paul City Trades Personnel and Metropolitan Airports Commission Plumbers From PERA Coverage
  • S.F. 1694 (Betzold); H.F. ____ ( ): VFRAs; Open Meeting Law Clarification
April 2, 2001
6:00 PM
Room 316
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • S.F. 810 (Pogemiller); H.F. ___ ( ): PERA; Funding Deficiency Correction
    S.F. ___ ( ); H.F. 855 (Mares): PERA; Funding Deficiency Correction
    Consideration of Other PERA Funding Deficiency Correction Options
  • S.F. 2148 (Betzold); H.F. 1909 (Stanek): State Patrol; Coverage For Department of Corrections Office of Special Investigations Officers, Authorize Transfer Of Prior Service Credit
  • S.F. ___ ( ); H.F. 2029 (Haas): Department of Employee Relations Health Care Account Establishment
  • S.F 1863 (Rest); H.F. 1896 (Skoglund): Legislators Plan; Create Coordinated Program
  • S.F. 2038 (Pogemiller); H.F. 2215 (Mares):Teacher Plans; Charter School Teachers Retirement Contributions
  • S.F. 804 (Kleis); H.F. 2314 (Schumacher): MSRS-Correctional; Coverage for Reshape Program Director
  • Post-Retirement Health Care initiatives:
    • S.F. 641 (Pogemiller); H.F. 695 (Osskopp): MSRS; Health Care Reimbursement Plan
    • S.F. 1322 (Stumpf); H.F. 1294 (Mares): MSRS; Post-Retirement Health Care Savings Plan
    • S.F. 1484 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1768 (Mullery): MPRA; Minneapolis Police Relief Association Voluntary Employee Benefit Organization
    • S.F. ___ ( ); H.F. 2029 (Haas): Department of Employee Relations Health Care Account Establishment
April 6, 2001
6:00 PM
Room 316
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • S.F. 810 (Pogemiller); H.F. ___ ( ): PERA; Funding Deficiency Correction
    S.F. ___ ( ); H.F. 855 (Mares): PERA; Funding Deficiency Correction
    Consideration of Other PERA Funding Deficiency Correction Options
  • S.F. ____ ( ); H.F. 2029 (Haas): DOER Health Care Account Establishment
  • S.F 1863 (Rest); H.F. 1896 (Skoglund): Legislators Plan; Create Coordinated Program
  • S.F. 358 (Betzold); H.F. 557 (Haas): Osseo Volunteer Fire; Special Appropriation To Offset Liability Increase
  • S.F. 1231 (Betzold); H.F. 1295 (Haas): VFRAs; Requiring Bonding or Insurance For Financial Consultants
  • Amendment to Clarify MnSCU Eligibility Administration
  • S.F. 1466 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1477 (Mares): MFRA; Recodification, Reorganization, and Clarification
August 23, 2001
9:00 AM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • Summary of Retirement Legislation Enacted by the 2001 Regular and Special Sessions
  • Review of Actuarial Experience Studies:
    Teachers Retirement Association (TRA)
    Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association (DTRFA)
    Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association (MTRFA)
    St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association (StPTRFA)
  • Consideration of Recommended Actuarial Assumption Changes
  • Consideration of Update Revisions in the Actuarial Services Contract With Milliman USA
  • Consideration of Recommended Changes in the Standards For Actuarial Work
September 13, 2001
9:00 AM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; Potential Expansion of the PERA-Correctional Plan Coverage Group (First Consideration)
    • Public Testimony on SF 1038 (Pogemiller); HF 999 (Mares): PERA-Correctional; Inclusion of 911 Dispatchers and Probation Officers
    • Public Testimony on SF 1605 (Pogemiller); HF 2112 (Smith): PERA-Correctional; Inclusion of Hennepin County Medical Center Protection Officers
    • Public Testimony on Potential Amendment: PERA-Correctional; Inclusion of Certain Non-Police Officer Court Bailiffs
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; Potential Expansion of the MSRS-Correctional Plan Coverage Group (First Consideration)
    • Public Testimony on SF 804 (Kleis); HF 2314 (Schumacher): MSRS-Correctional; Inclusion of Reshape Program Directo
    • Public Testimony on SF 1548 (Chaudhary); HF 2000 (Goodwin) and SF ____ ( ); HF 1693 (Entenza): MSRS-Correctional; Inclusion of Corrections Agent Service /Assistant Group Supervisor Service For Retiree
    • Public Testimony on SF 1571 (Hottinger); HF 1757 (Johnson, R.): MSRS-Correctional; Inclusion of Sex Offender Program Social Worker Service
    • Public Testimony on SF 1738 (Terwilliger); HF 1798 (Wenzel): MSRS-Correctional; Inclusion of Sentencing-to-Service Crew Leaders
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; Consideration of Service Credit Purchase Requests Recommended By the Service Credit Purchase Subcommittee For Interim Study (First Consideration)
    • Public Testimony on Military Service Credit Purchases:
      • SF 370 (Wiger); HF 465 (Marko): PERA-P&F
      • SF 409 (Solon); HF 619 (Swapinski): Various Plans
      • SF 611 (Betzold); HF 1240 (Bernardy): Various Plans
    • Public Testimony on Prior Police or Firefighter Service Credit Purchases:
      • SF 313 (Larson); HF 303 (Cassell): PERA-P&F
      • SF 314 (Larson); HF 295 (Cassell): PERA and TRA
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; Draft Proposed Legislation Recodifying Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 355: Social Security Referenda and Coverage (First Consideration)
October 9, 2001
9:00 AM
Eagan City Hall
Council Chambers
3830 Pilot Knob Rd.
Eagan, Minnesota
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • Mandated Commission Interim Project; Appropriate Mechanism For The Recovery of Unpaid Member and Employer Retirement Plan Contributions From Closed Charter Schools (First Consideration)
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; Identification of Governmental Revenue Sources Underlying Public Retirement Plan Funding (First Consideration)
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; Review of Various Benefit Increase Proposals
    • S.F. 1179 (Johnson, D. E.); H.F. 1352 (Murphy): TRA; Modification of the Retirement Annuity Formula
    • S.F. 1379 (Tomassoni); H.F. 1565 (Murphy): MSRS; Redefinition of Final Average Salary and Contribution Rate Increases
    • S.F. 1439 (Johnson, D. E.); H.F. 1482 (Murphy): Various Plans; Various Retirement Provision Modifications
    • S.F. 1445 (Solon); H.F. 1532 (Murphy): DTRFA; Retirement Benefit Modifications
    • S.F. 1705 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1692 (Murphy): First Class City Teacher Retirement Plans; Retirement Benefit Modifications
    • S.F. 2116 (Lessard); H.F. 1811 (Anderson, I.): Judges; Clarification of Retirement Benefit Increase Effective Date
    • S.F. 2223 (Pogemiller); H.F. 2071 (Murphy): MTRFA and StPTRFA; Retirement Benefit Modifications
November 13, 2001
9:00 AM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; Potential Expansion of the PERA-Correctional Plan Coverage Group (Second Consideration)
    • SF 1038 (Pogemiller); HF 999 (Mares): PERA-Correctional; Inclusion of 911 Dispatchers and Probation Officers
    • SF 1605 (Pogemiller); HF 2112 (Smith): PERA-Correctional; Inclusion of Hennepin County Medical Center Protection Officers
    • Potential Amendment: PERA-Correctional; Inclusion of Certain Non-Police Officer Court Bailiffs
  • Mandated Commission Interim Project; Appropriate Mechanism for the Recovery of Unpaid Member and Employer Retirement Plan Contributions from Closed Charter Schools (Second Consideration)
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; Draft Proposed Legislation Recodifying Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 356, Relating to Retirement, Generally (First Consideration)
December 11, 2001
9:00 AM
Training Room
Retirement Systems Building
60 Empire Drive
St. Paul
Agenda, Materials & Action
  • Mandated Commission Interim Project; Appropriate Mechanism for the Recovery of Unpaid Member and Employer Retirement Plan Contributions from Closed Charter Schools (Rescheduled Second Consideration)
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; General Employee Retirement Plan of the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA-General) Funding Issues (First Consideration)
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; Review of Various Benefit Increase Proposals (Second Consideration to Receive Additional Public Testimony)
    • S.F. 1179 (Johnson, D. E.); H.F. 1352 (Murphy): TRA; Modification of the Retirement Annuity Formula
    • S.F. 1445 (Solon); H.F. 1532 (Murphy): DTRFA; Retirement Benefit Modifications
    • S.F. 1705 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1692 (Murphy): First Class City Teacher Retirement Plans; Retirement Benefit Modifications
    • S.F. 2223 (Pogemiller); H.F. 2071 (Murphy): MTRFA and StPTRFA; Retirement Benefit Modifications
  • Designated Commission Interim Project; Draft Proposed Legislation Updating and Clarifying Local Police and Fire Retirement Laws (First Consideration)

2002 Meetings

Date/Time Location Agenda/Meeting Materials Multimedia/Minutes
January 22, 2002
9:30 AM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
February 7, 2002
6:00 PM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
February 12, 2002
6:00 PM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
March 11, 2002
6:30 PM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
June 11, 2002
9:30 AM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
July 30, 2002
9:30 AM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
No audio
August 29, 2002
9:30 AM
Room 112
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action

Service Credit Purchase Subcommittee Meetings

Date/Time Location Agenda/Meeting Materials Multimedia/Minutes
March 14, 2001
6:00 PM
Room 125
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  1. One Person/Small Group Service Credit Purchases
    • S.F. 59 (Foley); H.F. 87 (Koskinen): MTRFA; TRA; Service Credit Purchase For Omitted Contributions Caused By School District Error (Sandra Lenarz)
    • S.F. 106 (Belanger); H.F. 163 (Seagren): MTRFA; Service Credit Grant To Certain MTRFA Member (Pamela Trutnau)
    • S.F. 205 (Berg); H.F. 316 (Peterson): PERA; PERA Service Credit Purchase For Former Lac Qui Parle County Employee (Lori Schwendemann)
    • S.F. 215 (Oliver); H.F. 60 (Workman): TRA; Service Credit Purchase For Uncredited Leave Period
    • S.F. 314 (Larson); H.F. 295 (Cassell): TRA; PERA; Service Credit For Former St. Paul Police Officer, Wilkin County Attorney, and Alexandria Technical College Faculty Member (Daniel Sandell)
    • S.F. 315 (Oliver); H.F. 356 (Workman): TRA; Service Credit Purchase For Leave, ISD No. 270-Hopkins (Joan Hagburg)
    • S.F. 329 (Johnson, Debbie); H.F. 134 (Tingelstad): MSRS; Service Credit Purchase For Prior State Highway Department Employee (Alan Chapman)
    • S.F. 371 (Anderson); H.F. 907 (Osthoff): TRA; Service Credit Purchase By Teacher Injured In Auto Accident, ISD No. 12-Centennial (Daniel Kennedy)
    • S.F. 435 (Dille); H.F. 527 (Ness): TRA; Service Credit Purchase For Extended Leave Of Absence, ISD No. 423-Hutchinson (Bruce Petterson)
    • S.F. 438 (Foley); H.F. 537 (Koskinen): TRA; Service Credit Purchase Due To Clerical Error For Sabbatical Leave, ISD No. 11-Anoka (John Georgolopolos)
    • S.F. 656 (Rest); H.F. 732 (Thompson): PERA; Service Credit Purchase For Former Minneapolis Park Board Employees (Virginia Rootes & Loris Longie)
    • S.F. 732 (Neuville); H.F. 142 (Boudreau): MSRS; Prior DOT Service Credit Purchase For Corrections Employee (Mark Miller)
    • S.F. 737 (Cohen); H.F. ___ ( ): PERA; Service Credit Purchase For Former St. Paul City Council Member (Len Levine)
    • S.F. 928 (Oliver); H.F. 982 (Sykora): MSRS; Service Credit Purchase For Specified DOT Employee (Clint Bucher)
    • S.F. 1114 (Sabo); H.F. 726 (Skoglund): MSRS; Service Credit Purchase For University of Minnesota Carlson School Of Management Temporary Full-Time Employment (Judith Johnson)
    • S.F. 1273 (Ring); H.F. 1215 (Jennings): TRA; Service Credit Purchase For Prior University of Minnesota Teaching Service, ISD No. 279-Osseo (Joe Pung)
    • S.F. 1327 (Bachmann); H.F. 1326 (Mares): PERA; Service Credit Purchase For Individual Employed By ISD No. 624-White Bear Lake (Ruth Lindbeck)
  2. Generalized Service Credit Purchases
    • S.F. 313 (Larson); H.F. 303 (Cassell): PERA-P&F; Service Credit Purchase For Prior Police Or Paid Firefighter Service
    • S.F. 370 (Wiger); H.F. 465 (Marko): PERA; PERA-P&F; PERA-P&F Prior Military Service Credit Purchase Authorization Modifications & PERA Prior Military Service Credit Purchase Authority Elimination
    • S.F. 409 (Solon); H.F. 619 (Swapinski): Various; Public Pension Plans Prior Military Service Credit Purchas
    • S.F. 517 (Betzold); H.F. 122 (Skoglund): Various; Service Credit Purchase For Parental Or Family Leaves Of Absence Or Breaks In Service
    • S.F. 611 (Betzold); H.F. 1240 (Bernardy): Various; MSRS, PERA, TRA, & State Troopers Prior Military Service Purchase Restrictions Elimination
    • S.F. 1321 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1462 (Mares): TRA; Prior Service Credit Purchase Payment Amount Determination Procedure Expiration Date Extension
March 21, 2001
6:00 PM
Room 316
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
  1. One Person/Small Group Service Credit Purchases
    • S.F. 1548 (Chaudhary); H.F. 2000 (Goodwin): MSRS-Correctional; Service Credit Purchase For Department Of Corrections Retired Employee
    • S.F. 1571 (Hottinger); H.F. 1757 (Johnson, R.): MSRS-Correctional; Service Credit Purchase For Security Hospital Psychologist
    • S.F. 1581 (Pappas); H.F. 1579 (Dawkins): PERA-P&F; Specifying Salary Credit For Benefits; Mandate Payments By DPS
    • S.F. ___ ( ); H.F. 1693 (Entenza): MSRS-Correctional; Correctional Employees Plan Service Credit Provided
    • S.F. 315 (Oliver); H.F. 356 (Workman): TRA; Service Credit Purchase For Leave, ISD No. 270-Hopkins (Joan Hagburg)
    • S.F. 59 (Foley); H.F. 87 (Koskinen): MTRFA; TRA; Service Credit Purchase For Omitted Contributions Caused By School District Error (Sandra Lenarz)
    • S.F. 106 (Belanger); H.F. 163 (Seagren): MTRFA; Service Credit Grant To Certain MTRFA Member (Pamela Trutnau)
    • S.F. 205 (Berg); H.F. 316 (Peterson): PERA; PERA Service Credit Purchase For Former Lac Qui Parle County Employee (Lori Schwendemann)
    • S.F. 314 (Larson); H.F. 295 (Cassell): TRA; PERA; Service Credit For Former St. Paul Police Officer, Wilkin County Attorney, and Alexandria Technical College Faculty Member (Daniel Sandell)
    • S.F. 329 (Johnson, Debbie); H.F. 134 (Tingelstad): MSRS; Service Credit Purchase For Prior State Highway Department Employee (Alan Chapman)
    • S.F. 656 (Rest); H.F. 732 (Thompson): PERA; Service Credit Purchase For Former Minneapolis Park Board Employees (Virginia Rootes & Loris Longie)
    • S.F. 732 (Neuville); H.F. 142 (Boudreau): MSRS; Prior DOT Service Credit Purchase For Corrections Employee (Mark Miller)
    • S.F. 737 (Cohen); H.F. ___ ( ): PERA; Service Credit Purchase For Former St. Paul City Council Member (Len Levine)
    • S.F. 928 (Oliver); H.F. 982 (Sykora): MSRS; Service Credit Purchase For Specified DOT Employee (Clint Bucher)
    • S.F. 1114 (Sabo); H.F. 726 (Skoglund): MSRS; Service Credit Purchase For University of Minnesota Carlson School Of Management Temporary Full-Time Employment (Judith Johnson)
    • S.F. 1273 (Ring); H.F. 1215 (Jennings): TRA; Service Credit Purchase For Prior University of Minnesota Teaching Service, ISD No. 279-Osseo (Joe Pung)
  2. Generalized Service Credit Purchases
    • S.F. 1676 (Tomassoni); H.F. 1656 (Rukavina): Teacher Plans; Day Activity Center Teaching Service Purchase
    • S.F. 313 (Larson); H.F. 303 (Cassell): PERA-P&F; Service Credit Purchase For Prior Police Or Paid Firefighter Service
    • S.F. 370 (Wiger); H.F. 465 (Marko): PERA; PERA-P&F; PERA-P&F Prior Military Service Credit Purchase Authorization Modifications & PERA Prior Military Service Credit Purchase Authority Elimination
    • S.F. 409 (Solon); H.F. 619 (Swapinski): Various; Public Pension Plans Prior Military Service Credit Purchas
    • S.F. 517 (Betzold); H.F. 122 (Skoglund): Various; Service Credit Purchase For Parental Or Family Leaves Of Absence Or Breaks In Service
    • S.F. 611 (Betzold); H.F. 1240 (Bernardy): Various; MSRS, PERA, TRA, & State Troopers Prior Military Service Purchase Restrictions Elimination
    • S.F. 1321 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1462 (Mares): TRA; Prior Service Credit Purchase Payment Amount Determination Procedure Expiration Date Extension

Actuarial Services Subcommittee Meetings

Date/Time Location Agenda/Meeting Materials Multimedia/Minutes
May 23, 2002
9:00 AM
Room 229
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action
June 6, 2002
1:00 PM
Room 107
State Capitol Building
Agenda, Materials & Action