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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

MEETING: Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
PLACE: Room 316 Capitol
DATE: March 26, 2001
TIME: 6:00 p.m.


  1. Report of the Prior Service Credit Purchase Subcommittee

    1. Report of Purchase Provisions (One Person/Small Group) Recommended by the Subcommittee

    2. Proposed Legislation (Generalized Service Credit Purchases) Recommended in Whole or In Part By The Subcommittee

      1. S.F. 517 (Betzold); H.F. 122 (Skoglund): Various Plans; Parental or Family Leave Service Credit Purchase

      2. S.F. 1321 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1462 (Mares): TRA & MnSCU IRAP; Prior Service Credit Purchase Provisions

    3. Proposed Legislation Forwarded Without Final Recommendation or For Further Study By the Commission

      1. Unofficial Subcommittee Engrossment of S.F. 313 (Larson); H.F. 303 (Cassell): PERA-P&F; Service Credit Purchase By Alexandria Police Chief

      2. S.F. ____ (          ); H.F. 1693 (Entenza): MSRS-Correctional; Correctional Plan Service Credit Provided
        S.F. 1548 (Chaudhary); H.F. 2000 (Goodwin): MSRS-Correctional; Service Credit Purchase For Department Of Corrections Retired Employee

      3. S.F. 314 (Larson); H.F. 295 (Cassell): TRA; PERA; Service Credit For Former St. Paul Police Officer, Wilkin County Attorney, and Alexandria Technical College Faculty Member (Daniel Sandell)

      4. S.F. 737 (Cohen); H.F. ____ (     ): PERA; Service Credit Purchase For Former St. Paul City Council Member (Len Levine)

      5. S.F. 1676 (Tomassoni); H.F. 1656 (Rukavina): TRA; Day Activity Center Teaching Service Credit Purchase

      6. S.F. 611 (Betzold); H.F. 1240 (Bernardy): Various Plans; Prior Military Service Credit Purchase Restriction Elimination

  2. S.F. 1362 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1646 (Wenzel): TRA; Membership Modifications For Employees of Labor Organizations

  3. S.F. 641 (Pogemiller); H.F. 695 (Osskopp): MSRS; Health Care Reimbursement Plan

  4. S.F. 1322 (Stumpf); H.F. 1294 (Mares): MSRS; Postretirement Health Care Savings Plan

  5. S.F. 1484 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1768 (Mullery): MPRA; Minneapolis Police Relief Association Voluntary Employee Benefit Organization

  6. S.F. ____ (          ); H.F. 2029 (Haas): Department of Employee Relations Health Care Account Establishment

  7. S.F. 1755 (Stumpf); H.F. 1868 (Davids): School Employee Health Care Accounts Withdrawn at the Request of The Author

  8. S.F 1863 (Rest); H.F. 1896 (Skoglund): Legislators Plan; Create Coordinated Program

  9. S.F. 1736 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1415 (Mares): MnSCU; Tax Sheltered Annuity Program Vendor Contract Provision Modification

  10. S.F. 1605 (Pogemiller); H.F. 2112 (Smith): PERA-Corr; Coverage for Hennepin County Medical Center Protection Officers

  11. S.F. 1038 (Pogemiller); H.F. 999 (Mares): PERA-Corr; Coverage for Probation Officers and 911 Dispatchers

  12. S.F. 1665 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1772 (Kahn): Supplemental Plans; Supplemental Pension Plan Contribution Restriction Exception

  13. S.F. 1696 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1793 (Kahn): MPRA; Authorize Referendum Of Members Relating To The Conduct Of Elections

  14. S.F. 77 (Wiger); H.F. ____ (          ): PERA; Exclude Certain St. Paul City Trades Personnel and Metropolitan Airports Commission Plumbers From PERA Coverage

  15. S.F. 1694 (Betzold); H.F. ____ (          ): VFRAs; Open Meeting Law Clarification

  16. Other Items as Added by the Commission Chair.