TO:  Members of the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
FROM:  Ed Burek, Deputy Director
RE:  S.F. 314 (Larson); H.F. 295 (Cassell): TRA; PERA; Service Credit For Former St. Paul Police Officer, Wilkin County Attorney, and Alexandria Technical College Faculty Member (Daniel Sandell)
DATE:  March 22, 2001

S.F. 314 (Larson); H.F. 295 (Cassell)

These bills raise considerable pension policy issues. The individual has service credit in TRA, PERA, and he also provided service as a Saint Paul Police officer in the late 1960s and early 1970s covered by the Saint Paul Police Relief Association (StPPRA), which many years later consolidated into PERA P&F. When Mr. Sandell left StPPRA in the mid 1970s, he was not vested and was not entitled to a refund, because a refund was not authorize under the laws of that plan. Mr. Sandell attempted to obtain a refund, but in litigation which reached the Minnesota Supreme Court, that request was rejected.

Commission Staff Amendment

LCPR01-77 would change the bills to require a service credit purchase rather than a grant.