Monday, March 19, 2001     3rd Meeting
Room 107 Capitol



Senator Dean Johnson, Chair of the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement, called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.

Commission members present:

Representatives Harry Mares, Mary Murphy, Steve Smith, and Stephen Wenzel
Senators Don Betzold, Dean Johnson, Lawrence Pogemiller, Dan Stevens, and Roy Terwilliger

Commission members absent:

Representative Philip Krinkie

Agenda items discussed:

Update Briefing on Minnesota Retirement Building Project

Mr. David Bergstrom, Executive Director, Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS), gave members an update on the progress of the construction of the new building and provided floor plans.

S.F. 1129 (Johnson, Dean); H.F. 968 (Juhnke): Volunteer Firefighter Relief Associations; Provide Ambulance Service Personnel State Supplemental Benefits, and Increase Amount and Limits On Supplemental Benefits

Representative Juhnke explained his bill. Mr. Gary Wingrove, a paramedic representing the Minnesota Ambulance Association, testified in support of the bill.

Mr. Edward Burek, Deputy Director, Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement, reviewed LCPR01-26, LCPR01-27, and LCPR01-28. The bill was continued until later in the meeting.

S.F. 1096 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1334 (Kahn): MSRS; University Hospital Employee Disability Benefits Continuation

Ms. Julie Blehyl, AFSCME, and Ms. Janet Snook testified in support of the bill.

Mr. David Bergstrom, Executive Director, MSRS, testified that the MSRS board heard Ms. Snook’s appeal, and although the board is supportive they can not legally grant the appeal.

Representative Harry Mares asked about a similar case heard by the Commission the previous year. Mr. Lawrence Martin, Executive Director, Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement, reviewed the circumstances surrounding that case, noting that the bill under discussion is general legislation rather than a single-person bill. He reviewed amendments LCPR01-29, LCPR01-30, LCPR01-31, and LCPR01-32.

Senator Pogemiller moved amendment LCPR01-31. MOTION PREVAILED.

Senator Pogemiller moved amendment LCPR01-32. MOTION PREVAILED.

Ms. Mary Vanek, Executive Director, PERA, was asked to comment on LCPR01-30, which would extend the legislation to PERA as well. She testified that PERA is in support of that amendment.

Senator Pogemiller moved amendment LCPR01-30. MOTION PREVAILED.

Senator Pogemiller moved S.F. 1096; H.F. 1334, as amended, for inclusion in the omnibus pension bill. MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 777 (Tomassoni); H.F. 1161 (Sertich): MSRS; Refund Eligibility

Representative Sertich and Senator Tomassoni testified in support of their bill.

Mr. Burek reviewed the staff memo and policy issues raised by the bill, and discussed amendments LCPR01-99 and LCPR01-100.

Mr. David Bergstrom, Executive Director, MSRS, testified the same concept was introduced last year, and that there is a small number of affected individuals.

Representative Mares mentioned that there is another bill on the topic, and that the Commission might be best served to consider the issue in conjunction with S.F. 1439. The bill was laid over.

The Commission then returned to S.F. 1129 (Johnson, Dean); H.F. 968 (Juhnke).

Senator Betzold moved LCPR01-26. MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 77 (Wiger); H.F. ____ ( ): PERA; Exclude Certain St. Paul City Trades Personnel and Metropolitan Airports Commission Plumbers From PERA Coverage

Senator Wiger testified in support of the bill and gave background information. Mr. Pat Estes, a plasterer with the St. Paul Public Schools, and Mr. Gary Schaubschlager, a plumber with the Metropolitan Airports Commission, testified in support of the bill.

Mr. Martin reviewed the staff memo and policy issues raised by the bill, and explained amendments LCPR01-24 and LCPR01-25.

Ms. Mary Vanek, Executive Director, PERA, expressed her concerned that PERA would not know who the affected persons are, and asked the Commission for full year to identify them.

Mr. Terry Haltiner, City of St. Paul Labor Relations Manager, testified to his preference for a consistent approach with respect to all the various trades personnel, and his concern for continuing piece-meal legislation. He expressed his cautious support of the bill.

Senator Betzold moved amendment LCPR01-25. MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 24 (Wiger); H.F. 1839 (Mares): Volunteer Fire; Service Pension Payment Upon Fire Department Reemployment

Senator Wiger testified in support of his bill. Mr. Mark Sather, White Bear Lake City Manager, and Mr. Tim Vadnais, White Bear Lake Fire Chief, testified in support of the bill.

Mr. Martin reviewed the staff memo and policy issues raised by the bill, and discussed amendments LCPR01-88 and LCPR01-89.

Mr. Nyle Zikmund, Spring Lake Park-Blaine-Moundsview Ms. Mary Vanek, Executive Director, PERA, Fire Chief, testified in support of LCPR01-89.

Ms. Mary Vanek, Executive Director, PERA, testified that Spring Lake Park and Lino Lakes are two non-profit organizations, and that she is unaware of any others.

The bill was laid over.

S.F. 841 (Kiscaden); H.F. ____ ( ): TRA; Exempting Certain Teachers From Post-Retirement Earnings Limits and Reductions

Senator Kiscaden explained her bill, noting the need to correct "special legislation" to "special education".

Mr. Martin reviewed the staff memo and policy issues raised by the bill.

Mr. Gary Austin, Executive Director, TRA, testified that last year’s provision has been well received.

S.F. ____ ( ); H.F. 855 (Mares): PERA; Contribution Increases, Benefit Modifications, and Coverage Changes; and
S.F. 810 (Pogemiller); H.F. ____ ( ): PERA; Contribution Increases, Benefit Modifications, and Coverage Changes

Senator Pogemiller began the discussion on the PERA funding issue, and referred members to a letter on the issue from the Teachers Retirement Association (TRA).

Ms. Amy L. Bodnar, representing School District Employees Local 284, testified to the concerns of the union members and said that most school district employees are happy to be PERA members.

Mr. Gary Austin, Executive Director, TRA, testified about his concern to attract and retain teachers, and testified against a TRA "bailout" of PERA.

The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.