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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

MEETING: Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
PLACE: Room 316 Capitol
DATE: April 6, 2001
TIME: 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.


  1. S.F. 810 (Pogemiller); H.F. 855 (Mares): PERA; Funding Deficiency Correction
    Consideration of Other PERA Funding  Deficiency Correction Options 
    (4/5/01 Memo, 3/22/01 Memo)

  2. S.F. ____ (          ); H.F. 2029 (Haas): DOER Health Care Account Establishment

  3. S.F 1863 (Rest); H.F. 1896 (Skoglund): Legislators Plan; Create Coordinated Program

  4. S.F. 358 (Betzold); H.F. 557 (Haas): Osseo Volunteer Fire; Special Appropriation To Offset Liability Increase

  5. S.F. 1231 (Betzold); H.F. 1295 (Haas): VFRAs; Requiring Bonding or Insurance For Financial Consultants

  6. Amendment to Clarify MnSCU Eligibility Administration Derived from S.F. 1439 (Johnson, Dean); H.F. 1482 (Murphy)

  7. S.F. 1466 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1477 (Mares): MFRA; Recodification, Reorganization, and Clarification

  8. Other Items Heard:

    • LCPR01-169 Derived from S.F. 1705 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1692 (Murphy)

    • LCPR01-175 Derived from S.F. 1705 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1692 (Murphy)

    • LCPR01-166 Derived from S.F. 1439 (Johnson, D.E.); H.F. 1482 (Murphy)

    • LCPR01-173 Derived from S.F. 1705 (Pogemiller); H.F. 1692 (Murphy)

    • LCPR01-167 

  9. Other Items as Added by the Commission Chair.

Persons wishing to testify may contact Lisa Diesslin by e-mail or by calling 651-296-6806 
to be added to the public testimony list. Please indicate the agenda item of interest.  

Note: If accommodations for the meeting under the Americans With Disabilities Act are needed, 
please call 651-296-2750 (651-296-9896 for TDD) as far in advance as possible