S.F. 430 (Betzold); H.F. 1978 (Murphy, M.) (Summary of 3rd Eng.) Chapter 134 |
Status: | 5/25/07 Signed by the Governor |
House Status: |
5/20/07 Conference committee report adopted and the bill was repassed 5/19/07 Conference committee appointed (Murphy, M.; Smith; Thissen; Kahn; Nelson) 5/19/07 House Floor - Passed as amended (substitute the language of HF1978) (Summary of 3rd Eng.) 5/15/07 Ways and Means Committee - Passed as amended (Summary of 2nd Eng.) 5/14/07 Taxes Committee - Passed as amended (H1978-11A) 5/11/07: Rules Committee - Passed, re-referred to Taxes 5/10/07 Governmental Operations Committee - Passed as amended, re-referred to Rules (Summary of 1st Eng.) |
Senate Status: |
5/20/07 Conference committee report adopted and the bill was repassed 5/19/07 Conference committee appointed (Betzold; Larson; Olson, M.; Lynch; Wergin) 5/17/07 Senate Floor - Passed as amended 5/15/07 Finance Committee - Passed as amended (delete Article 7) (Summary of 2nd Eng.) 5/11/07 State & Local Government Operations Committee - Passed as amended, re-referred to Finance (Summary of 1st Eng.) |
Commission Action: |
Language passed by the Commission as of 5/08/07 H1978-6A
(Summary) Language passed by the Commission as of 4/24/07 H1978-1A (Summary) Language passed by the Commission as of 3/28/07 LCPR07-042 (Summary) |
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