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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

MEETING: Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
PLACE: Basement Hearing Room, State Office Building
DATE: April 8, 2003
TIME: 5:00 p.m.

Note:  All bills were laid over for further consideration and possible inclusion in the Omnibus Pension Bill


  1. H.F. 253 (Johnson, J.); S.F. xxx: Plymouth Volunteer Firefighter Relief Association; Ancillary Benefits Subjected to General Law
    Staff Memo

  2. H.F. 427 (Strachan); S.F. 731 (Marko): Fire State Aid Apportionment Formula Modification
    Staff Memo

  3. H.F. 489 (Rhodes); S.F. 449 (Johnson, D.E.): Volunteer Firefighter Relief Associations; Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Retirement Plan Study
    Amended: H489A1  Staff Memo

  4. H.F. 1224 (Meslow); S.F. 1332 (Reiter): Volunteer Firefighter Relief Associations; Monthly Benefit and Monthly Benefit/Lump Sum Options Support Levels Revised
    Amended:  LCPR03-036, LCPR03-038  Staff Memo

  5. H.F. 191 (Gerlach); S.F. 206 (Knutson): MSRS; Authorize Refunds for Certain Employees on Medical Leaves of Absence
    Amended:  LCPR03-111  Staff Memo

  6. H.F. 997 (Mullery); S.F. 847 (Langseth): Authorizing Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Pension Fund Exception to Restriction on Public Fund Contributions
    Amended:  LCPR03-113  Staff Memo

  7. H.F. 1313 (Murphy); S.F. 1156 (Pogemiller): MnSCU; Early Separation Incentive Program
    Amended:  A03-0425  Staff Memo

  8. H.F. 282 (Beard); S.F. 213 (Larson): TRA; Ad Hoc Post-Retirement Adjustment For Certain Pre-1969 Teachers
    Amended:  LCPR03-114  (insert "45" on line 7)  Staff Memo

  9. H.F. 1432 (Ozment); S.F. 858 (Pogemiller): MSRS-General; Early Retirement Incentive
    Staff Memo

  10. H.F. 1343 (Powell); S.F. 1235 (Belanger): TRA: Service Credit Purchase for Certain Sabbatical Leaves
    Amended:  LCPR03-140  Staff Memo

  11. H.F. 1293 (Seifert); S.F. 1390 (Frederickson): Volunteer Firefighter Relief Associations; Deferred Pensioner Interest
    Amended:  LCPR03-123  Staff Memo

Other Items:
  1. Amendment LCPR03-138
    Staff Memo

  2. Amendment LCPR03-121
    Staff Memo