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2019 MN Omnibus Retirement Bill

2019 Omnibus Pension and Retirement Bill

Links to previous Omnibus Retirement Bill pages: Omnibus Bill Archives

1st Special Session Pension and Retirement Bill

Chapter 8, H.F. 10 (Murphy/Rosen)

Status: Enacted
5/30/2019 Signed by the Governor
5/28/2019 Presented to the Governor
5/24/2019 H.F. 10 (Murphy); S.F. 6 (Rosen) introduced (Summary)
Passed by the House (128-0)
Passed by the Senate (67-0)
5/23/2019 Bill draft LCPR19-035 passed by the Commission (Summary)

Letter from the LCPR recommending to the legislature, House and Senate leadership, and Governor Walz that state aids to local governments for increased contributions to PERA General not sunset in 2020, but be extended...



Regular Session Omnibus Retirement Bill

LCPR Status: Not passed by the end of the regular session
4/2/2019 Contains the language of bills and amendments passed by the Commission through 4/2/19 H2632-1A (revised as of 4/2/2019) Summary, Source bills, and Section-by-Section
3/26/2019 Contains the language of bills and amendments passed by the Commission through 3/26/19 H2632-1A Summary, Source bills, and Section-by-Section
3/19/2019 Contains the language of bills and amendments passed by the Commission through 3/19/19 Omnibus as of 3/19 --

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