Listed in House File order, then Senate bills with no House companion, and Draft bills not introduced but with an LCPR hearing.
Last updated: 1/28/2025
For information on the Commission's annual pension and retirement bills, go to the Pension & Retirement Omnibus Bills Archives
House File | Senate File | Plan | Description | Hearing |
Summary/ Fiscal Note |
LCPR Action |
House bills, with Senate companion if available: | ||||||
HF217-Franson; Stephenson | SF809-Westrom | PERA SVF | Modify service counted in determining vesting in a retirement benefit. | 3/22/2023 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF782-Becker-Finn | SF413-Pappas | Secure Choice | Establishing the Minnesota Secure Choice retirement program. | 2/20/2023 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF859-Frazier | SF1400-Rest | TRA | Remove cap on pay for teachers working for EdMinnesota. | -- | -- | -- |
HF1199-Wolgamott | SF1308-Murphy | MSRS | MSRS 2023 administrative bill. | 2/22/2023 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF1201-Nelson | SF1393-Pappas | Supplemental plan restriction | Increases the employer contribution limit for public employer contributions to the Intl. Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) multiemployer plan. | 3/22/2023 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF1234-Her | SF1959-Frentz | Public safety | Peace officer duty disability provisions; report; appropriation. | 3/20/2023 | -- | Passed as Amended |
HF1430-Wolgamott | SF1389-Rasmusson | TRA | TRA 2023 administrative bill (amended into HF1199/SF1308). | 2/6/2023 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF1468-Nelson | SF1377-Rasmusson | All plans | Reduce assumed rate of return for MSRS, PERA, TRA, and SPTRFA to 7%. | 2/13/2023 | Memo | Amended, Laid over |
HF1499-Olson, L. | SF1420-McEwen | IRAP, TRA | Permits certain Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College employees to elect TRA coverage and receive retroactive service credit. | 3/22/2023 | Memo | Passed |
HF1669-Anderson | SF3169-Rasmusson | PERA DC | Elected local government officers may continue in plan when appointed (see also HF2487). | 3/22/2023 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF1923-Wolgamott | SF2140-Seeberger | PERA P&F | Service credit transfer from the general plan to the police & fire plan for two employees of the Metropolitan Airports Commission. | 3/22/2023 | Memo | Passed |
HF2007-Robbins | SF1975-Limmer | PERA SVF | Mid-year coverage effective date for Hamel and Loretto firefighters, merger of assets and liabilities. | 3/22/2023 | Memo | Passed |
HF2308-Wolgamott | SF1910-Frentz | IRAP | Increases the IRAP employer contribution rate. Look for higher ed bill. | 2/27/2023 | Memo | Amended, Laid over |
HF2487-Wolgamott | SF2897-Seeberger | PERA DC | Elected local government officers may continue in plan when appointed. (see HF1669) | -- | -- | -- |
HF2713-Nelson | SF2371-Frentz | PERA | Increased COLA for PERA General basic plan members. | 3/20/2023 | Memo | Laid Over |
HF2777-Hudella | SFxxxx | PERA SVF | Amending the requirements applicable to a relief association after the affiliated fire department joins the plan. | 3/22/2023 | Memo | Passed |
HF2785-Scott | SF2799-Bahr | MSRS General, Correctional | Service credit transfer for a Department of Corrections educator inadvertently put into the General Plan instead of the Correctional Plan. | -- | -- | -- |
HF2928-Nelson | SF3025-Pappas | VFRAs | State Auditor's Volunteer Firefighter Working Group recommendation on audit requirement threshold increase. | 3/22/2023 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF2940-Klevorn | SF2979-Murphy | All | State government finance bill; contains appropriations for retirement plans and a one-time post-retirement adjustment of 2.5% in 2024. | -- | -- | -- |
HF2950-Her | SF3016-Frentz | IRAP, TRA | General legislation permitting Minnesota State employees to elect TRA coverage and receive retroactive service credit-see Amendment A230092-1A for Work Group language. | 2/27/2023 | Memo | Laid Over |
HF2950-Her | SF3016-Frentz | IRAP, TRA | 2023 OMNIBUS POLICY BILL. | 2/27/2023 | Memo | Laid Over |
HF3100-Her | SF3162-Frentz | TRA | As intro'd: TRA board benefit and funding proposal. | 3/6/2023 | Memo | No Action |
HF3100-Her | SF3162-Frentz | All | 2023 OMNIBUS BUDGET BILL. | 4/3/2023 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF3181-Davids | SF3177-Murphy | PERA, TRA, SPTRFA | Rule of 90. | -- | -- | -- |
HF3212-Nelson, M. | SF3179-Frentz | PERA P&F; State Patrol | PERA P&F and State Patrol benefit improvements. | -- | -- | -- |
HF3294-Wolgamott | SF3314-Cwodzinski | TRA, IRAP | Lowering the normal retirement age to age 64; increasing employee and employer contributions for TRA and the Higher Education Individual Retirement Account Plan. | 5/4/2023 | Memo | No Action |
HF3636-Cha | SF3574-Pappas | VFRAs | State Auditor's 2024 Volunteer Firefighter Working Group bill. | 2/26/2024 | Memo | Passed |
HF3675-Wolgamott | SF3822-Kupec | MSRS General | Unreduced pension at age 62 or 30 years of service for probation/parole correction agents. | 3/18/2024 | Memo | Amended, Laid over |
HF3808-Nadeau | SF4348-Pratt | TRA | Unreduced annuity at age 62 w/30 years of service; employee contribution increase, varies depending on years of service. | 3/25/2024 | Memo | Amended, Laid over |
HF3930-Frederick | SF3761-Frentz | MSRS Correctional | Adding music therapist to the positions eligible for coverage; permitting the purchase of past service credit. | 3/4/2024 | Memo | Laid over for possible omnibus bill inclusion |
HF3956-Berg | SFxxxx | MSRS | MSRS 2024 administrative bill. | 2/19/2024 | Memo | Passed |
HF3972-Wolgamott | SF4196-Gustafson | TRA | EdMN 2024 bill; reduces early retirement reductions; employer contribution increase; school district state aid increase. | 3/25/2024 | Memo | Laid Over |
HF4081-Stephenson | SF4092-Gustafson | PERA Correctional | Benefit multiplier increase from 1.9% to 2.2% for prospective service; employer & employee contribution increase. | 3/18/2024 | Memo | Laid Over |
HF4121-Huot | SF3485-Morrison | (LCPR E.D.) | Fire service consolidation work group (incl. LCPR Exec. Dir.). | -- | -- | -- |
HF4248-Moller | SF4765-Pappas | Secure Choice | Permit home and community-based services employees to participate in the Secure Choice program. | 3/4/2024 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF4270-Becker-Finn | SF4319-Pappas | Secure Choice | Modifying requirements applicable to the board of directors; authorizing the appointment of an interim executive director; making technical corrections. | 3/4/2024 | Memo | Passed |
HF4297-Berg | SF4604-Nelson | PERA P&F | Clarifying eligibility for firefighters. | 2/26/2024 | Memo | Laid over for possible omnibus bill inclusion |
HF4342-Niska | SF4434-Bahr | PERA | Adding a correctional plan member to the board of trustees. | -- | -- | No hearing per Chair |
HF4358-Brand | SF5288-Frentz | MSRS Correctional | Adding registered nurse-supervisor to the positions eligible for coverage and moving group supervisor/assistant positions. | 4/2/2024 | Memo | Amended, Laid over for possible omnibus bill inclusion |
HF4427-Robbins | SF4622-Limmer | State Patrol | Special law provision; provide a joint & survivor annuity to member's surviving spouse. | -- | -- | -- |
HF4428-Nelson | SF4606-Rasmusson | PERA | Amending withdrawal liability for privatizing medical facilities. | 3/11/2024 | Memo | Passed |
HF4429-Nelson | SF4751-Seeberger | PERA | General/Correctional worker's comp offset. | 3/11/2024 | Memo | Passed |
HF4539-Frederick | SF4424-Pappas | MSRS Correctional | Adding baker, cook, culinary supervisor, and kitchen supervisor to the positions eligible for coverage; permitting the purchase of past service credit (AFSCME request). | 3/4/2024 | Memo | Amended, Laid over for possible omnibus bill inclusion |
HF4553-Tabke | SF4645-Hauschild | State Patrol | Codifying the right to return to employment and continue receiving an annuity. NOTE: Passed by State Gov separately. | 3/11/2024 | Memo | -- |
HF4590-Engen | SF4722-Duckworth | PERA P&F | Increasing the survivor benefit for members who die in the line of duty (Rep. Engen work on this over the interim). | -- | -- | -- |
HF4656-Pursell | SF4759-Westlin | Supplemental | Allowing employer matching contributions on account of an employee's qualified student loan payments under Secure 2.0; modifying other provisions for supplemental deferred compensation plans (AVIBEN request). | 3/11/2024 | Memo | Passed |
HF4666-Wolgamott | SF4878-Frentz | PERA P&F | Increasing the post-retirement adjustment; decreasing the waiting period for a post-retirement adjustment. | 4/2/2024 | Memo | Laid Over |
HF4790-Berg | SF4859-Pappas | SBI | ESG-CLIMATE CHANGE BILL. Mitigate exposure to systemic risks such as climate change and economic inequality. | -- | -- | -- |
HF4796-Wolgamott | SF4958-Seeberger | PERA Correctional | Adding 911 telecommunicators to plan coverage; modifying the vesting requirements for public safety telecommunicators; modifying the definition of 911 telecommunicator. | -- | -- | -- |
HF4899-O'Driscoll | SF5073-Westlin | PERA DC | Defined contribution plan federal compliance (PERA request). | 3/18/2024 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF4933-Nadeau | SF4968-Pappas | TRA, SPTRFA | Extends the earnings limitation suspension for FY25, 26, and 27 for retired teachers who return to work (TRA request). | 3/18/2024 | Memo | Passed |
HF5039-Cha | SF5062-Rasmusson | PERA SVF | Adding a defined contribution plan. | 3/18/2024 | Memo | Passed |
HF5040-Her | SF4643-Frentz | IRAP, TRA | IRAP to TRA Work Group Bill (omnibus vehicle bill). | 2/19/2024 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF5040-Her | SF4643-Frentz | All | 2024 OMNIBUS PENSION & RETIREMENT BILL. | -- | -- | Passed as Amended |
HF5137-Wolgamott | SFxxxx | PERA P&F | Permitting payment of a normal retirement annuity without reduction or suspension upon employment or reemployment on or after age 55. | 4/2/2024 | Memo | Amended, Laid over |
HF5250-Her | SF5324-Frentz | TRA | Reducing employee contributions by 0.25% for one year, one-time general fund transfer. | -- | -- | -- |
HF5292-Nelson | SF5227-Rasmusson | All | Resolving a conflict in section 356.215 that dictates the full funding/amortization end date. | 4/2/2024 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HF5311-Feist | SF5197-Pappas | MSRS General | Foreign citizens employed by public employers on a H-1B, H-1B1, or E3 visa authorization to purchase service credit for a prior period of employment as an excluded employee. | 4/2/2024 | Memo | Passed |
Senate bills with no House companion: | ||||||
HFxxxx | SF208-Howe | TRA, SPTRFA | Extends member payment time period for military service credit purchases. | 3/22/2023 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HFxxxx | SF972-Howe | PERA | Modifying disability application procedures. | -- | -- | -- |
HFxxxx | SF1386-McEwen | All | Restores deferred annuities augmentation for members who left public employment before January 1, 2019. | -- | -- | -- |
HFxxxx | SF1742-Pappas | PERA | PERA 2023 administrative bill (amended into HF1199/SF1308). | 2/6/2023 | Memo | Passed as Amended |
HFxxxx | SF1995-Seeberger | IRAP, TRA | Special legislation permitting the transfer from IRAP to TRA. | 3/22/2023 | Memo | Passed |
HFxxxx | SF2417-Pappas | MSRS, PERA | Forfeiture of peace officer's pension upon felony conviction. | -- | -- | -- |
HFxxxx | SF3673-Rasmusson | TRA | Repeals the extension of TRA’s amortization period (changes it from 2053 back to 2048). | -- | -- | -- |
HFxxxx | SF4825-Lucero | PERA | Military service credit before 7/1/89 counts toward Rule of 90. | -- | -- | -- |
Draft bills not introduced but with an LCPR hearing: | ||||||
HFxxxx | SFxxxx | All plans | Revisor #24-08106; Extending the expiration date for state aid and supplemental employer contributions to pension plans. | 4/2/2024 | Memo | Passed |