Amendment sh5040a50

sh5040a50 sh5040a50

1.1Senator Frentz moved to amend H.F. No. 5040 as follows:
1.2Page 79, lines 22 to 25, delete the new language and
1.3Page 79, line 25, before "The" insert "The board must review the performance of the
1.4executive director on an annual basis and may grant salary adjustments as a result of the
1.6Page 124, line 13, strike "The" and delete the new language
1.7Page 124, line 14, strike the old language and delete the new language
1.8Page 124, delete line 15
1.9Page 124, line 16, strike the old language and delete the new language
1.10Page 124, line 17, delete "maximum for the salary range" and insert "The board must
1.11review the performance of the executive director on an annual basis and may grant salary
1.12adjustments as a result of the review"
1.13Page 126, line 16, delete the new language and strike "The salary of the"
1.14Page 126, line 17, strike the old language and delete the new language
1.15Page 126, delete line 18
1.16Page 126, line 19, strike the old language and delete the new language
1.17Page 126, line 20, delete "maximum for the salary range" and insert "The board must
1.18review the performance of the executive director on an annual basis and may grant salary
1.19adjustments as a result of the review"
1.20The motion prevailed. #did not prevail. So the amendment was #not adopted.