1.1       .................... moves to amend H.F. No. .... as follows:
1.2      Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

1.3                                             ”ARTICLE 1

1.5          Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 11A.18, subdivision 9, is amended to read:
1.6          Subd. 9. Calculation of postretirement adjustment.  (a) Annually, following June 
1.7      30, the state board shall use the procedures in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) to determine 
1.8      whether a postretirement adjustment is payable and to determine the amount of any 
1.9      postretirement adjustment.
1.10     (b) If the Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers all 
1.11     items index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department 
1.12     of Labor increases from June 30 of the preceding year to June 30 of the current year, 
1.13     the state board shall certify the percentage increase.  The amount certified must not 
1.14     exceed the lesser of the difference between the preretirement interest assumption and 
1.15     postretirement interest assumption in section 356.215, subdivision 8, paragraph (a), or 
1.16     2.5 percent.  For the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund, the amount certified must 
1.17     not exceed 3.5 percent.
1.18     (c) In addition to any percentage increase certified under paragraph (b), the board 
1.19     shall use the following procedures to determine if a postretirement adjustment is payable 
1.20     under this paragraph:
1.21     (1) The state board shall determine the market value of the fund on June 30 of 
1.22     that year;
1.23     (2) The amount of reserves required as of the current June 30 for the annuity or 
1.24     benefit payable to an annuitant and benefit recipient of the participating public pension 
1.25     plans or funds must be determined by the commission-retained actuary as of the current 
1.26     June 30 retained under section 356.214. An annuitant or benefit recipient who has been 
1.27     receiving an annuity or benefit for at least 12 full months as of the current June 30 is 
2.1      eligible to receive a full postretirement adjustment.  An annuitant or benefit recipient who 
2.2      has been receiving an annuity or benefit for at least one full month, but less than 12 full 
2.3      months as of the current June 30, is eligible to receive a partial postretirement adjustment.  
2.4      Each fund shall report separately the amount of the reserves for those annuitants and 
2.5      benefit recipients who are eligible to receive a full postretirement benefit adjustment.  This 
2.6      amount is known as "eligible reserves."  Each fund shall also report separately the amount 
2.7      of the reserves for those annuitants and benefit recipients who are not eligible to receive 
2.8      a postretirement adjustment.  This amount is known as "noneligible reserves." For an 
2.9      annuitant or benefit recipient who is eligible to receive a partial postretirement adjustment, 
2.10     each fund shall report separately as additional "eligible reserves" an amount that bears the 
2.11     same ratio to the total reserves required for the annuitant or benefit recipient as the number 
2.12     of full months of annuity or benefit receipt as of the current June 30 bears to 12 full 
2.13     months.  The remainder of the annuitant's or benefit recipient's reserves must be separately 
2.14     reported as additional "noneligible reserves."  The amount of "eligible" and "noneligible" 
2.15     required reserves must be certified to the board by the commission-retained actuary as 
2.16     soon as is practical following the current June 30;
2.17     (3) The state board shall determine the percentage increase certified under paragraph 
2.18     (b) multiplied by the eligible required reserves, as adjusted for mortality gains and losses 
2.19     under subdivision 11, determined under clause (2);
2.20     (4) The state board shall add the amount of reserves required for the annuities or 
2.21     benefits payable to annuitants and benefit recipients of the participating public pension 
2.22     plans or funds as of the current June 30 to the amount determined under clause (3);
2.23     (5) The state board shall subtract the amount determined under clause (4) from the 
2.24     market value of the fund determined under clause (1);
2.25     (6) The state board shall adjust the amount determined under clause (5) by the 
2.26     cumulative current balance determined pursuant to under clause (8) and any negative 
2.27     balance carried forward under clause (9);
2.28     (7) A positive amount resulting from the calculations in clauses (1) to (6) is the 
2.29     excess market value.  A negative amount is the negative balance;
2.30     (8) The state board shall allocate one-fifth of the excess market value or one-fifth 
2.31     of the negative balance to each of five consecutive years, beginning with the fiscal year 
2.32     ending the current June 30; and
2.33     (9) To calculate the postretirement adjustment under this paragraph based on 
2.34     investment performance for a fiscal year, the state board shall add together all excess 
2.35     market value allocated to that year and subtract from the sum all negative balances 
2.36     allocated to that year.  If this calculation results in a negative number, the entire negative 
3.1      balance must be carried forward and allocated to the next year.  If the resulting amount is 
3.2      positive, a postretirement adjustment is payable under this paragraph.  The board shall 
3.3      express a positive amount as a percentage of the total eligible required reserves certified to 
3.4      the board under clause (2).
3.5      (d) The state board shall determine the amount of any postretirement adjustment 
3.6      which is payable using the following procedure:
3.7      (1) The total "eligible" required reserves as of the first of January next following 
3.8      the end of the fiscal year for the annuitants and benefit recipients eligible to receive a full 
3.9      or partial postretirement adjustment as determined by clause (2) must be certified to the 
3.10     state board by the commission-retained actuary retained under section 356.214.  The total 
3.11     "eligible" required reserves must be determined by the commission-retained actuary 
3.12     retained under section 356.214 on the assumption that all annuitants and benefit recipients 
3.13     eligible to receive a full or partial postretirement adjustment will be alive on the January 
3.14     1 in question; and
3.15     (2) The state board shall add the percentage certified under paragraph (b) to any 
3.16     positive percentage calculated under paragraph (c).  The board shall not subtract from the 
3.17     percentage certified under paragraph (b) any negative amount calculated under paragraph 
3.18     (c).  The sum of these percentages must be carried to five decimal places and must be 
3.19     certified to each participating public pension fund or plan as the full postretirement 
3.20     adjustment percentage. The full postretirement adjustment percentage certified to each 
3.21     participating public pension plan or fund must not exceed five percent. For the Minneapolis 
3.22     Employees Retirement Fund, no maximum percentage adjustment is applicable.
3.23     (e) A retirement annuity payable in the event of retirement before becoming eligible 
3.24     for Social Security benefits as provided in section 352.116, subdivision 3; 353.29, 
3.25     subdivision 6; or 354.35 must be treated as the sum of a period certain retirement annuity 
3.26     and a life retirement annuity for the purposes of any postretirement adjustment.  The 
3.27     period certain retirement annuity plus the life retirement annuity must be the annuity 
3.28     amount payable until age 62 or 65, whichever applies.  A postretirement adjustment 
3.29     granted on the period certain retirement annuity must terminate when the period certain 
3.30     retirement annuity terminates. 

3.31         Sec. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE.
3.32     Section 1 is effective July 1, 2010.

3.33                                            ARTICLE 2

3.35         Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 352.116, subdivision 1a, is amended to 
3.36     read:
4.1          Subd. 1a. Actuarial reduction for early retirement. This subdivision applies to a 
4.2      person who has become at least 55 years old and first became a covered employee after 
4.3      June 30, 1989, and to any other covered employee who has become at least 55 years 
4.4      old and whose annuity is higher when calculated under section  352.115, subdivision 3, 
4.5      paragraph (b), in conjunction with this subdivision than when calculated under section  
4.6      352.115, subdivision 3, paragraph (a), in conjunction with subdivision 1. A covered 
4.7      employee who retires before the normal retirement age shall be paid the normal retirement 
4.8      annuity provided in section  352.115, subdivisions 2 and 3, paragraph (b), reduced so 
4.9      that the reduced annuity is the actuarial equivalent of the annuity that would be payable 
4.10     to the employee if the employee deferred receipt of the annuity and the annuity amount 
4.11     were augmented at an annual rate of three percent compounded annually from the day 
4.12     the annuity begins to accrue until the normal retirement age if the employee became an 
4.13     employee before July 1, 2006, and at an annual rate of 2.5 percent compounded annually 
4.14     from the day the annuity begins to accrue until the normal retirement age if the employee 
4.15     initially becomes an employee after June 30, 2006. 

4.16         Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 352.72, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
4.17         Subd. 2. Computation of deferred annuity. (a) The deferred annuity, if any, 
4.18     accruing under subdivision 1, or section  352.22, subdivision 3, must be computed as 
4.19     provided in section  352.22, subdivision 3, on the basis of allowable service before 
4.20     termination of state service and augmented as provided herein. The required reserves 
4.21     applicable to a deferred annuity or to an annuity for which a former employee was eligible 
4.22     but had not applied or to any deferred segment of an annuity must be determined as of the 
4.23     date the benefit begins to accrue and augmented by interest compounded annually from 
4.24     the first day of the month following the month in which the employee ceased to be a state 
4.25     employee, or July 1, 1971, whichever is later, to the first day of the month in which the 
4.26     annuity begins to accrue. The rates of interest used for this purpose must be five percent 
4.27     compounded annually until January 1, 1981, and three percent compounded annually 
4.28     thereafter until January 1 of the year following the year in which the former employee 
4.29     attains age 55., and from that date to the effective date of retirement, the rate is five percent 
4.30     compounded annually if the employee became an employee before July 1, 2006, and at 
4.31     2.5 percent compounded annually if the employee becomes an employee after June 30, 
4.32     2006. If a person has more than one period of uninterrupted service, the required reserves 
4.33     related to each period must be augmented by interest under this subdivision. The sum 
4.34     of the augmented required reserves so determined is the present value of the annuity. 
4.35     "Uninterrupted service" for the purpose of this subdivision means periods of covered 
4.36     employment during which the employee has not been separated from state service for more 
5.1      than two years. If a person repays a refund, the service restored by the repayment must be 
5.2      considered continuous with the next period of service for which the employee has credit 
5.3      with this system. The formula percentages used for each period of uninterrupted service 
5.4      must be those applicable to a new employee. The mortality table and interest assumption 
5.5      used to compute the annuity must be those in effect when the employee files application 
5.6      for annuity. This section does not reduce the annuity otherwise payable under this chapter. 
5.7      (b) The retirement annuity or disability benefit of, or the survivor benefit payable on 
5.8      behalf of, a former state employee who terminated service before July 1, 1997, which is 
5.9      not first payable until after June 30, 1997, must be increased on an actuarial equivalent 
5.10     basis to reflect the change in the postretirement interest rate actuarial assumption under 
5.11     section  356.215, subdivision 8, from five percent to six percent under a calculation 
5.12     procedure and the tables adopted by the board and approved by the actuary retained by 
5.13     the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement. 

5.14         Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 352B.30, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
5.15         Subd. 2. Computation of deferred annuity. Deferred annuities must be computed 
5.16     according to this chapter on the basis of allowable service before termination of service 
5.17     and augmented as provided in this chapter. The required reserves applicable to a deferred 
5.18     annuity must be augmented by interest compounded annually from the first day of the 
5.19     month following the month in which the member terminated service, or July 1, 1971, 
5.20     whichever is later, to the first day of the month in which the annuity begins to accrue. The 
5.21     rates of interest used for this purpose shall be five percent per year compounded annually 
5.22     until January 1, 1981, and after that date three percent per year compounded annually if 
5.23     the employee became an employee before July 1, 2006, and at 2.5 percent compounded 
5.24     annually if the employee becomes an employee after June 30, 2006. The mortality table 
5.25     and interest assumption used to compute the annuity shall be those in effect when the 
5.26     member files application for annuity.

5.27         Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 353.30, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
5.28         Subd. 5. Actuarial reduction for early retirement. This subdivision applies to a 
5.29     member who has become at least 55 years old and first became a public employee after 
5.30     June 30, 1989, and to any other member who has become at least 55 years old and whose 
5.31     annuity is higher when calculated under section  353.29, subdivision 3, paragraph (b), in 
5.32     conjunction with this subdivision than when calculated under section  353.29, subdivision 
5.33     3, paragraph (a), in conjunction with subdivision 1, 1a, 1b, or 1c. An employee who 
5.34     retires before normal retirement age shall be paid the retirement annuity provided in 
5.35     section  353.29, subdivision 3, paragraph (b), reduced so that the reduced annuity is the 
5.36     actuarial equivalent of the annuity that would be payable to the employee if the employee 
6.1      deferred receipt of the annuity and the annuity amount were augmented at an annual rate 
6.2      of three percent compounded annually from the day the annuity begins to accrue until the 
6.3      normal retirement age if the employee became an employee before July 1, 2006, and at 2.5 
6.4      percent compounded annually from the day the annuity begins to accrue until the normal 
6.5      retirement age if the employee initially becomes an employee after June 30, 2006. 

6.6          Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 353.71, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
6.7          Subd. 2. Deferred annuity computation; augmentation. (a) The deferred 
6.8      annuity accruing under subdivision 1, or under sections  353.34, subdivision 3, and  
6.9      353.68, subdivision 4, must be computed on the basis of allowable service prior to the 
6.10     termination of public service and augmented as provided in this paragraph. The required 
6.11     reserves applicable to a deferred annuity, or to any deferred segment of an annuity must 
6.12     be determined as of the first day of the month following the month in which the former 
6.13     member ceased to be a public employee, or July 1, 1971, whichever is later. These 
6.14     required reserves must be augmented at the rate of five percent annually compounded 
6.15     annually until January 1, 1981, and at the rate of three percent thereafter until January 1 
6.16     of the year following the year in which the former member attains age 55. and from that 
6.17     date to the effective date of retirement, the rate is five percent compounded annually if 
6.18     the employee became an employee before July 1, 2006, and at 2.5 percent compounded 
6.19     annually if the employee becomes an employee after June 30, 2006. If a person has more 
6.20     than one period of uninterrupted service, the required reserves related to each period 
6.21     must be augmented as specified in this paragraph. The sum of the augmented required 
6.22     reserves is the present value of the annuity. Uninterrupted service for the purpose of this 
6.23     subdivision means periods of covered employment during which the employee has not 
6.24     been separated from public service for more than two years. If a person repays a refund, 
6.25     the restored service must be considered as continuous with the next period of service 
6.26     for which the employee has credit with this association. This section must not reduce 
6.27     the annuity otherwise payable under this chapter. This paragraph applies to individuals 
6.28     who become deferred annuitants on or after July 1, 1971. For a member who became a 
6.29     deferred annuitant before July 1, 1971, the paragraph applies from July 1, 1971, if the 
6.30     former active member applies for an annuity after July 1, 1973. 
6.31     (b) The retirement annuity or disability benefit of, or the survivor benefit payable on 
6.32     behalf of, a former member who terminated service before July 1, 1997, or the survivor 
6.33     benefit payable on behalf of a basic or police and fire member who was receiving disability 
6.34     benefits before July 1, 1997, which is first payable after June 30, 1997, must be increased 
6.35     on an actuarial equivalent basis to reflect the change in the postretirement interest rate 
6.36     actuarial assumption under section  356.215, subdivision 8, from five percent to six percent 
7.1      under a calculation procedure and tables adopted by the board and approved by the actuary 
7.2      retained by the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement. 

7.3          Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 354.44, subdivision 6, is 
7.4      amended to read:
7.5          Subd. 6. Computation of formula program retirement annuity. (a) The formula 
7.6      retirement annuity must be computed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the 
7.7      formulas stated in paragraph (b) or (d) on the basis of each member's average salary under 
7.8      section 354.05, subdivision 13a, for the period of the member's formula service credit.
7.9      (b) This paragraph, in conjunction with paragraph (c), applies to a person who first 
7.10     became a member of the association or a member of a pension fund listed in section 
7.11     356.30, subdivision 3, before July 1, 1989, unless paragraph (d), in conjunction with 
7.12     paragraph (e), produces a higher annuity amount, in which case paragraph (d) applies. The 
7.13     average salary as defined in section 354.05, subdivision 13a, multiplied by the following 
7.14     percentages per year of formula service credit shall determine the amount of the annuity to 
7.15     which the member qualifying therefor is entitled:
7.16                            Coordinated Member  Basic Member   
7.17                                                the percent    
7.18                                                specified in   
7.19                            the percent specified  section 356.315, 
7.20       Each year of service   in section 356.315,  subdivision 3, per 
7.21       during first ten     subdivision 1, per year year           
7.22                                                the percent    
7.23                                                specified in   
7.24                            the percent specified  section 356.315, 
7.25       Each year of service   in section 356.315,  subdivision 4, per 
7.26       thereafter           subdivision 2, per year year           
7.27     (c) (i) This paragraph applies only to a person who first became a member of 
7.28     the association or a member of a pension fund listed in section 356.30, subdivision 3, 
7.29     before July 1, 1989, and whose annuity is higher when calculated under paragraph (b), in 
7.30     conjunction with this paragraph than when calculated under paragraph (d), in conjunction 
7.31     with paragraph (e).
7.32     (ii) Where any member retires prior to normal retirement age under a formula 
7.33     annuity, the member shall be paid a retirement annuity in an amount equal to the normal 
7.34     annuity provided in paragraph (b) reduced by one-quarter of one percent for each month 
7.35     that the member is under normal retirement age at the time of retirement except that for 
7.36     any member who has 30 or more years of allowable service credit, the reduction shall be 
7.37     applied only for each month that the member is under age 62.
7.38     (iii) Any member whose attained age plus credited allowable service totals 90 years 
7.39     is entitled, upon application, to a retirement annuity in an amount equal to the normal 
7.40     annuity provided in paragraph (b), without any reduction by reason of early retirement.
8.1      (d) This paragraph applies to a member who has become at least 55 years old and 
8.2      first became a member of the association after June 30, 1989, and to any other member 
8.3      who has become at least 55 years old and whose annuity amount when calculated under 
8.4      this paragraph and in conjunction with paragraph (e), is higher than it is when calculated 
8.5      under paragraph (b), in conjunction with paragraph (c). The average salary, as defined in 
8.6      section 354.05, subdivision 13a, multiplied by the percent specified by section 356.315, 
8.7      subdivision 4, for each year of service for a basic member and by the percent specified in 
8.8      section 356.315, subdivision 2, for each year of service for a coordinated member shall 
8.9      determine the amount of the retirement annuity to which the member is entitled.
8.10     (e) This paragraph applies to a person who has become at least 55 years old and first 
8.11     becomes a member of the association after June 30, 1989, and to any other member who 
8.12     has become at least 55 years old and whose annuity is higher when calculated under 
8.13     paragraph (d) in conjunction with this paragraph than when calculated under paragraph 
8.14     (b), in conjunction with paragraph (c). An employee who retires under the formula annuity 
8.15     before the normal retirement age shall be paid the normal annuity provided in paragraph 
8.16     (d) reduced so that the reduced annuity is the actuarial equivalent of the annuity that would 
8.17     be payable to the employee if the employee deferred receipt of the annuity and the annuity 
8.18     amount were augmented at an annual rate of three percent compounded annually from the 
8.19     day the annuity begins to accrue until the normal retirement age if the employee became 
8.20     an employee before July 1, 2006, and at 2.5 percent compounded annually if the employee 
8.21     becomes an employee after June 30, 2006.
8.22     (f) No retirement annuity is payable to a former employee with a salary that exceeds 
8.23     95 percent of the governor's salary unless and until the salary figures used in computing 
8.24     the highest five successive years average salary under paragraph (a) have been audited by 
8.25     the Teachers Retirement Association and determined by the executive director to comply 
8.26     with the requirements and limitations of section 354.05, subdivisions 35 and 35a.

8.27         Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354.55, subdivision 11, is amended to read:
8.28         Subd. 11. Deferred annuity; augmentation. (a) Any person covered under section  
8.29     354.44, subdivision 6, who ceases to render teaching service, may leave the person's 
8.30     accumulated deductions in the fund for the purpose of receiving a deferred annuity at 
8.31     retirement. Eligibility for an annuity under this subdivision is governed pursuant to 
8.32     section  354.44, subdivision 1, or  354.60. 
8.33     (b) The amount of the deferred retirement annuity is determined by section  354.44, 
8.34     subdivision 6, and augmented as provided in this subdivision. The required reserves 
8.35     related to that portion of the annuity which had accrued when the member ceased to 
8.36     render teaching service must be augmented by interest compounded annually from the 
9.1      first day of the month following the month during which the member ceased to render 
9.2      teaching service to the effective date of retirement. There shall be no augmentation if 
9.3      this period is less than three months or if this period commences prior to July 1, 1971. 
9.4      The rates of interest used for this purpose must be five percent compounded annually 
9.5      commencing July 1, 1971, until January 1, 1981, and three percent compounded annually 
9.6      thereafter until January 1 of the year following the year in which the former member 
9.7      attains age 55. and from that date to the effective date of retirement, the rate is five percent 
9.8      compounded annually if the employee became an employee before July 1, 2006, and at 
9.9      2.5 percent compounded annually if the employee becomes an employee after June 30, 
9.10     2006. If a person has more than one period of uninterrupted service, a separate average 
9.11     salary determined under section  354.44, subdivision 6, must be used for each period and 
9.12     the required reserves related to each period must be augmented by interest pursuant to 
9.13     this subdivision. The sum of the augmented required reserves so determined shall be the 
9.14     basis for purchasing the deferred annuity. If a person repays a refund, the service restored 
9.15     by the repayment must be considered as continuous with the next period of service for 
9.16     which the person has credit with this fund. If a person does not render teaching service in 
9.17     any one fiscal year or more consecutive fiscal years and then resumes teaching service, 
9.18     the formula percentages used from the date of the resumption of teaching service must be 
9.19     those applicable to new members. The mortality table and interest assumption used to 
9.20     compute the annuity must be the applicable mortality table established by the board under 
9.21     section  354.07, subdivision 1, and the interest rate assumption under section  356.215 in 
9.22     effect when the member retires. A period of uninterrupted service for the purposes of this 
9.23     subdivision means a period of covered teaching service during which the member has not 
9.24     been separated from active service for more than one fiscal year. 
9.25     (c) In no case shall the annuity payable under this subdivision be less than the 
9.26     amount of annuity payable pursuant to section  354.44, subdivision 6. 
9.27     (d) The requirements and provisions for retirement before normal retirement age 
9.28     contained in section  354.44, subdivision 6, clause (3) or (5), shall also apply to an 
9.29     employee fulfilling the requirements with a combination of service as provided in section  
9.30     354.60. 
9.31     (e) The augmentation provided by this subdivision applies to the benefit provided 
9.32     in section  354.46, subdivision 2. 
9.33     (f) The augmentation provided by this subdivision shall not apply to any period in 
9.34     which a person is on an approved leave of absence from an employer unit covered by the 
9.35     provisions of this chapter.
10.1     (g) The retirement annuity or disability benefit of, or the survivor benefit payable on 
10.2     behalf of, a former teacher who terminated service before July 1, 1997, which is not first 
10.3     payable until after June 30, 1997, must be increased on an actuarial equivalent basis to 
10.4     reflect the change in the postretirement interest rate actuarial assumption under section  
10.5     356.215, subdivision 8, from five percent to six percent under a calculation procedure and 
10.6     tables adopted by the board as recommended by an approved actuary and approved by the 
10.7     actuary retained by the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement. 

10.8         Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.31, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
10.9         Subd. 7. Actuarial reduction for early retirement. This subdivision applies to 
10.10    a person who has become at least 55 years old and first becomes a coordinated member 
10.11    after June 30, 1989, and to any other coordinated member who has become at least 55 
10.12    years old and whose annuity is higher when calculated using the retirement annuity 
10.13    formula percentage in subdivision 4, paragraph (d), and subdivision 4a, paragraph (d), in 
10.14    conjunction with this subdivision than when calculated under subdivision 4, paragraph 
10.15    (c), or subdivision 4a, paragraph (c), in conjunction with subdivision 6. A coordinated 
10.16    member who retires before the full benefit age shall be paid the retirement annuity 
10.17    calculated using the retirement annuity formula percentage in subdivision 4, paragraph 
10.18    (d), or subdivision 4a, paragraph (d), reduced so that the reduced annuity is the actuarial 
10.19    equivalent of the annuity that would be payable to the member if the member deferred 
10.20    receipt of the annuity and the annuity amount were augmented at an annual rate of three 
10.21    percent compounded annually from the day the annuity begins to accrue until the normal 
10.22    retirement age if the employee became an employee before July 1, 2006, and at 2.5 
10.23    percent compounded annually from the day the annuity begins to accrue until the normal 
10.24    retirement age if the person initially becomes a teacher after June 30, 2006.

10.25        Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.37, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
10.26        Subd. 2. Eligibility for deferred retirement annuity. Any coordinated member 
10.27    who ceases to render teaching services for the school district in which the teachers 
10.28    retirement fund association is located, with sufficient allowable service credit to meet 
10.29    the minimum service requirements specified in section  354A.31, subdivision 1, shall be 
10.30    entitled to a deferred retirement annuity in lieu of a refund pursuant to subdivision 1. The 
10.31    deferred retirement annuity shall be computed pursuant to section  354A.31 and shall be 
10.32    augmented as provided in this subdivision. The deferred annuity shall commence upon 
10.33    application after the person on deferred status attains at least the minimum age specified in 
10.34    section  354A.31, subdivision 1. 
10.35    The monthly annuity amount that had accrued when the member ceased to render 
10.36    teaching service must be augmented from the first day of the month following the month 
11.1     during which the member ceased to render teaching service to the effective date of 
11.2     retirement. There is no augmentation if this period is less than three months. The rate of 
11.3     augmentation is three percent compounded annually until January 1 of the year following 
11.4     the year in which the former member attains age 55, and five percent compounded 
11.5     annually after that date to the effective date of retirement if the employee became an 
11.6     employee before July 1, 2006, and at 2.5 percent compounded annually if the employee 
11.7     becomes an employee after June 30, 2006. If a person has more than one period of 
11.8     uninterrupted service, a separate average salary determined under section  354A.31 must 
11.9     be used for each period, and the monthly annuity amount related to each period must be 
11.10    augmented as provided in this subdivision. The sum of the augmented monthly annuity 
11.11    amounts determines the total deferred annuity payable. If a person repays a refund, the 
11.12    service restored by the repayment must be considered as continuous with the next period 
11.13    of service for which the person has credit with the fund. If a person does not render 
11.14    teaching services in any one fiscal year or more consecutive fiscal years and then resumes 
11.15    teaching service, the formula percentages used from the date of resumption of teaching 
11.16    service are those applicable to new members. The mortality table and interest assumption 
11.17    used to compute the annuity are the table established by the fund to compute other 
11.18    annuities, and the interest assumption under section  356.215 in effect when the member 
11.19    retires. A period of uninterrupted service for the purpose of this subdivision means a 
11.20    period of covered teaching service during which the member has not been separated from 
11.21    active service for more than one fiscal year. 
11.22    The augmentation provided by this subdivision applies to the benefit provided in 
11.23    section  354A.35, subdivision 2. The augmentation provided by this subdivision does 
11.24    not apply to any period in which a person is on an approved leave of absence from an 
11.25    employer unit. 

11.26        Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.30, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
11.27        Subdivision 1. Eligibility; computation of annuity. (a) Notwithstanding any 
11.28    provisions of the laws governing the retirement plans enumerated in subdivision 3, a 
11.29    person who has met the qualifications of paragraph (b) may elect to receive a retirement 
11.30    annuity from each enumerated retirement plan in which the person has at least one-half 
11.31    year of allowable service, based on the allowable service in each plan, subject to the 
11.32    provisions of paragraph (c).
11.33    (b) A person may receive, upon retirement, a retirement annuity from each 
11.34    enumerated retirement plan in which the person has at least one-half year of allowable 
11.35    service, and augmentation of a deferred annuity calculated at the appropriate rate under 
11.36    the laws governing each public pension plan or fund named in subdivision 3, based on 
12.1     the date of the person's initial entry into public employment from the date the person 
12.2     terminated all public service if:
12.3     (1) the person has allowable service totaling an amount that allows the person to 
12.4     receive an annuity in any two or more of the enumerated plans; and
12.5     (2) the person has not begun to receive an annuity from any enumerated plan or the 
12.6     person has made application for benefits from each applicable plan and the effective 
12.7     dates of the retirement annuity with each plan under which the person chooses to receive 
12.8     an annuity are within a one-year period.
12.9     (c) The retirement annuity from each plan must be based upon the allowable service, 
12.10    accrual rates, and average salary in the applicable plan except as further specified or 
12.11    modified in the following clauses:
12.12    (1) the laws governing annuities must be the law in effect on the date of termination 
12.13    from the last period of public service under a covered retirement plan with which the 
12.14    person earned a minimum of one-half year of allowable service credit during that 
12.15    employment;
12.16    (2) the "average salary" on which the annuity from each covered plan in which 
12.17    the employee has credit in a formula plan must be based on the employee's highest five 
12.18    successive years of covered salary during the entire service in covered plans;
12.19    (3) the accrual rates to be used by each plan must be those percentages prescribed by 
12.20    each plan's formula as continued for the respective years of allowable service from one 
12.21    plan to the next, recognizing all previous allowable service with the other covered plans;
12.22    (4) the allowable service in all the plans must be combined in determining eligibility 
12.23    for and the application of each plan's provisions in respect to reduction in the annuity 
12.24    amount for retirement prior to normal retirement age; and
12.25    (5) the annuity amount payable for any allowable service under a nonformula plan 
12.26    of a covered plan must not be affected, but such service and covered salary must be used 
12.27    in the above calculation.
12.28    (d) This section does not apply to any person whose final termination from the last 
12.29    public service under a covered plan was before May 1, 1975.
12.30    (e) For the purpose of computing annuities under this section, the accrual rates 
12.31    used by any covered plan, except the public employees police and fire plan, the judges' 
12.32    retirement fund, and the State Patrol retirement plan, must not exceed the percent specified 
12.33    in section  356.315, subdivision 4, per year of service for any year of service or fraction 
12.34    thereof. The formula percentage used by the judges' retirement fund must not exceed the 
12.35    percentage rate specified in section  356.315, subdivision 8, per year of service for any 
12.36    year of service or fraction thereof. The accrual rate used by the public employees police 
13.1     and fire plan and the State Patrol retirement plan must not exceed the percentage rate 
13.2     specified in section  356.315, subdivision 6, per year of service for any year of service or 
13.3     fraction thereof. The accrual rate or rates used by the legislators retirement plan and the 
13.4     elective state officers retirement plan must not exceed 2.5 percent, but this limit does not 
13.5     apply to the adjustment provided under section  3A.02, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), or  
13.6     352C.031, paragraph (b). 
13.7     (f) Any period of time for which a person has credit in more than one of the covered 
13.8     plans must be used only once for the purpose of determining total allowable service.
13.9     (g) If the period of duplicated service credit is more than one-half year, or the person 
13.10    has credit for more than one-half year, with each of the plans, each plan must apply its 
13.11    formula to a prorated service credit for the period of duplicated service based on a fraction 
13.12    of the salary on which deductions were paid to that fund for the period divided by the total 
13.13    salary on which deductions were paid to all plans for the period.
13.14    (h) If the period of duplicated service credit is less than one-half year, or when 
13.15    added to other service credit with that plan is less than one-half year, the service credit 
13.16    must be ignored and a refund of contributions made to the person in accord with that 
13.17    plan's refund provisions.

13.18        Sec. 11. EFFECTIVE DATE.
13.19    Sections 1 to 10 are effective July 1, 2006.

13.20                                           ARTICLE 3
13.21                                 TEACHER RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION
13.22                               COVERAGE AND BENEFIT RESTRUCTURING

13.23        Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 128D.10, is amended to read:
13.25    (a) The tenure, pension, and retirement provisions of any law applicable to 
13.26    employees of the special school district of Minneapolis, including employees belonging 
13.27    to the municipal employees retirement fund and those belonging to the Minneapolis 
13.28    Teachers' Retirement Fund Association before April 24, 1959, shall continue to be 
13.29    applicable in the same manner and to the same extent to employees of the special 
13.30    independent school district after April 24, 1959, except as otherwise provided in law.
13.31    (b) The provisions of any general law or laws which are applicable only to 
13.32    independent school districts wholly or partially within cities of the first class shall not be 
13.33    applicable to the special independent school district of Minneapolis.
13.34    (c) The powers, duties, and corporate structure of the Minneapolis Teachers' 
13.35    Retirement Fund Association, and the laws applicable thereto, shall be and remain the 
14.1     same in the special independent school district of Minneapolis as at the time of enactment 
14.2     of the within law, until changed in accordance with law.

14.3         Sec. 2. [128D.19] AID REDEDICATION.
14.4     Notwithstanding any law to the contrary and subject to section 354A.12, subdivision 
14.5     3c, special direct state aid previously paid to the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund 
14.6     Association under sections 354A.12, subdivisions 3a and 3b, and 423A.02, must be paid 
14.7     to the Teachers Retirement Association.

14.8         Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354.05, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
14.9         Subd. 2. Teacher. (a) "Teacher" means:
14.10    (1) a person who renders service as a teacher, supervisor, principal, superintendent, 
14.11    librarian, nurse, counselor, social worker, therapist, or psychologist in a public school of 
14.12    the state located outside of the corporate limits of a city of the first class the city of Duluth 
14.13    or the city of St. Paul, or in any charter school, irrespective of the location of the school, 
14.14    or in any charitable, penal, or correctional institutions of a governmental subdivision, or 
14.15    who is engaged in educational administration in connection with the state public school 
14.16    system, but excluding the University of Minnesota, whether the position be a public office 
14.17    or an employment, and not including the members or officers of any general governing or 
14.18    managing board or body;
14.19    (2) an employee of the Teachers Retirement Association;
14.20    (3) a person who renders teaching service on a part-time basis and who also renders 
14.21    other services for a single employing unit. A person whose teaching service comprises at 
14.22    least 50 percent of the combined employment salary is a member of the association for all 
14.23    services with the single employing unit. If the person's teaching service comprises less 
14.24    than 50 percent of the combined employment salary, the executive director must determine 
14.25    whether all or none of the combined service is covered by the association; or
14.26    (4) a person who is not covered by the plans established under chapter 352D, 354A, 
14.27    or 354B and who is employed by the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges 
14.28    and Universities system in an unclassified position as:
14.29    (i) a president, vice-president, or dean;
14.30    (ii) a manager or a professional in an academic or an academic support program 
14.31    other than specified in item (i);
14.32    (iii) an administrative or a service support faculty position; or
14.33    (iv) a teacher or a research assistant.
14.34    (b) "Teacher" does not mean:
14.35    (1) a person who works for a school or institution as an independent contractor as 
14.36    defined by the Internal Revenue Service;
15.1     (2) a person who renders part-time teaching service or who is a customized trainer 
15.2     as defined by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system if (i) the service is 
15.3     incidental to the regular nonteaching occupation of the person; and (ii) the employer 
15.4     stipulates annually in advance that the part-time teaching service or customized training 
15.5     service will not exceed 300 hours in a fiscal year and retains the stipulation in its records; 
15.6     and (iii) the part-time teaching service or customized training service actually does not 
15.7     exceed 300 hours in a fiscal year; or
15.8     (3) a person exempt from licensure under section  122A.30. 

15.9         Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354.05, subdivision 13, is amended to read:
15.10        Subd. 13. Allowable service. "Allowable service" means:
15.11    (1) Any service rendered by a teacher for which on or before July 1, 1957, the 
15.12    teacher's account in the retirement fund was credited by reason of employee contributions 
15.13    in the form of salary deductions, payments in lieu of salary deductions, or in any other 
15.14    manner authorized by Minnesota Statutes 1953, sections  135.01 to  135.13, as amended by 
15.15    Laws 1955, chapters 361, 549, 550, 611, or 
15.16    (2) Any service rendered by a teacher for which on or before July 1, 1961, the 
15.17    teacher elected to obtain credit for service by making payments to the fund pursuant to 
15.18    Minnesota Statutes 1980, section  354.09 and section  354.51, or 
15.19    (3) Any service rendered by a teacher after July 1, 1957, for any calendar month 
15.20    when the member receives salary from which deductions are made, deposited and credited 
15.21    in the fund, or
15.22    (4) Any service rendered by a person after July 1, 1957, for any calendar month 
15.23    where payments in lieu of salary deductions are made, deposited and credited into the 
15.24    fund as provided in Minnesota Statutes 1980, section  354.09, subdivision 4, and section  
15.25    354.53, or 
15.26    (5) Any service rendered by a teacher for which the teacher elected to obtain 
15.27    credit for service by making payments to the fund pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1980, 
15.28    section  354.09, subdivisions 1 and 4, sections  354.50,  354.51, Minnesota Statutes 1957, 
15.29    section  135.41, subdivision 4, Minnesota Statutes 1971, section  354.09, subdivision 2, or 
15.30    Minnesota Statutes, 1973 Supplement, section  354.09, subdivision 3, or 
15.31    (6) Both service during years of actual membership in the course of which 
15.32    contributions were currently made and service in years during which the teacher was not a 
15.33    member but for which the teacher later elected to obtain credit by making payments to the 
15.34    fund as permitted by any law then in effect, or
15.35    (7) Any service rendered where contributions were made and no allowable service 
15.36    credit was established because of the limitations contained in Minnesota Statutes 1957, 
16.1     section  135.09, subdivision 2, as determined by the ratio between the amounts of money 
16.2     credited to the teacher's account in a fiscal year and the maximum retirement contribution 
16.3     allowable for that year, or 
16.4     (8) MS 2002 (Expired)
16.5     (9) A period of time during which a teacher who is a state employee was on strike 
16.6     without pay, not to exceed a period of one year, if the teacher makes a payment in lieu of 
16.7     salary deductions or makes a prior service credit purchase payment, whichever applies. If 
16.8     the payment is made within 12 months, the payment by the teacher must be an amount 
16.9     equal to the employee and employer contribution rates set forth in section  354.42, 
16.10    subdivisions 2 and 3, applied to the teacher's rate of salary in effect on the conclusion of 
16.11    the strike for the period of the strike without pay, plus compound interest at a monthly rate 
16.12    of 0.71 percent from the last day of the strike until the date of payment. If the payment by 
16.13    the employee is not made within 12 months, the payment must be in an amount equal to 
16.14    the payment amount determined under section  356.55 or  356.551, whichever applies, or
16.15    (10) A period of service before July 1, 2006, that was properly credited as allowable 
16.16    service by the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association, was certified by the 
16.17    executive director of the association, and that was rendered by a teacher as an employee 
16.18    of Special School District No. 1, Minneapolis, or by an employee of the Minneapolis 
16.19    Teachers Retirement Fund Association who was a member of the Minneapolis Teachers 
16.20    Retirement Fund Association by virtue of that employment, who has not begun receiving 
16.21    an annuity or other retirement benefit from the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
16.22    Fund Association calculated in whole or in part on that service before July 1, 2006, and 
16.23    who has not taken a refund of member contributions related to that service unless the 
16.24    refund is repaid under section 354.50, subdivision 4. 

16.25        Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354.42, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
16.26        Subd. 2. Employee. (a) The employee contribution to the fund is an amount equal 
16.27    to 5.0 the following percentage of the salary of a member:
16.28    (1) after July 1, 2006, for a teacher employed by Special School District No. 1, 
16.29    Minneapolis, 5.5 percent if the teacher is a coordinated member, and 9.0 percent if the 
16.30    teacher is a basic member;
16.31    (2) for every other teacher, after July 1, 2006, 5.5 percent of if the salary of every 
16.32    teacher is a coordinated member and 9.0 percent of if the salary of every teacher is a 
16.33    basic member.
16.34    (b) This contribution must be made by deduction from salary. Where any portion 
16.35    of a member's salary is paid from other than public funds, the member's employee 
16.36    contribution must be based on the entire salary received.

17.1         Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354.42, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
17.2         Subd. 3. Employer. (a) The regular employer contribution to the fund by Special 
17.3     School District No. 1, Minneapolis, after July 1, 2006, and before July 1, 2007, is an 
17.4     amount equal to 5.00 percent of the salary of each of its teachers who is a coordinated 
17.5     member and 9.00 percent of the salary of each of its teachers who is a basic member. After 
17.6     July 1, 2007, the regular employer contribution to the fund by Special School District No. 
17.7     1, Minneapolis, is an amount equal to 5.50 percent of salary of each coordinated member 
17.8     and 9.50 percent of salary of each basic member. The additional employer contribution to 
17.9     the fund by Special School District No. 1, Minneapolis, after July 1, 2006, is an amount 
17.10    equal to 3.64 percent of the salary of each teacher who is a coordinated member or is a 
17.11    basic member.
17.12    (b) The employer contribution to the fund for every other employer, is an amount 
17.13    equal to 5.0 percent of the salary of each coordinated member and 9.0 percent of the salary 
17.14    of each basic member before July 1, 2006, and 5.5 percent of the salary of each coordinated 
17.15    member and 9.5 percent of the salary of each basic member after June 30, 2007.

17.16        Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 354.44, subdivision 6, is 
17.17    amended to read:
17.18        Subd. 6. Computation of formula program retirement annuity. (a) The formula 
17.19    retirement annuity must be computed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the 
17.20    formulas stated in paragraph (b) or (d) on the basis of each member's average salary under 
17.21    section 354.05, subdivision 13a, for the period of the member's formula service credit.
17.22    (b) This paragraph, in conjunction with paragraph (c), applies to a person who first 
17.23    became a member of the association or a member of a pension fund listed in section 
17.24    356.30, subdivision 3, before July 1, 1989, unless paragraph (d), in conjunction with 
17.25    paragraph (e), produces a higher annuity amount, in which case paragraph (d) applies. The 
17.26    average salary as defined in section 354.05, subdivision 13a, multiplied by the following 
17.27    percentages per year of formula service credit shall determine the amount of the annuity to 
17.28    which the member qualifying therefor is entitled for service rendered before July 1, 2006:
17.29                           Coordinated Member  Basic Member   
17.30                                               the percent    
17.31                                               specified in   
17.32                           the percent specified  section 356.315, 
17.33      Each year of service   in section 356.315,  subdivision 3, per 
17.34      during first ten     subdivision 1, per year year           
17.35                                               the percent    
17.36                                               specified in   
17.37                           the percent specified  section 356.315, 
17.38      Each year of service   in section 356.315,  subdivision 4, per 
17.39      thereafter           subdivision 2, per year year           
18.1     For service rendered on or after July 1, 2006, the average salary as defined in section 
18.2     354.05, subdivision 13a, multiplied by the following percentages per year of service 
18.3     credit, determines the amount the annuity to which the member qualifying therefor is:
18.4                            Coordinated Member  Basic Member   
18.5                                                the percent    
18.6                                                specified in   
18.7                            the percent specified  section 356.315, 
18.8       Each year of service   in section 356.315,  subdivision 3, per 
18.9       during first ten     subdivision 1a, per year year           
18.10                                               the percent    
18.11                                               specified in   
18.12                           the percent specified  section 356.315, 
18.13      Each year of service after   in section 356.315,  subdivision 4, per 
18.14      ten years of service  subdivision 2b, per year year           
18.15    (c)(i) This paragraph applies only to a person who first became a member of the 
18.16    association or a member of a pension fund listed in section 356.30, subdivision 3, before 
18.17    July 1, 1989, and whose annuity is higher when calculated under paragraph (b), in 
18.18    conjunction with this paragraph than when calculated under paragraph (d), in conjunction 
18.19    with paragraph (e).
18.20    (ii) Where any member retires prior to normal retirement age under a formula 
18.21    annuity, the member shall be paid a retirement annuity in an amount equal to the normal 
18.22    annuity provided in paragraph (b) reduced by one-quarter of one percent for each month 
18.23    that the member is under normal retirement age at the time of retirement except that for 
18.24    any member who has 30 or more years of allowable service credit, the reduction shall be 
18.25    applied only for each month that the member is under age 62.
18.26    (iii) Any member whose attained age plus credited allowable service totals 90 years 
18.27    is entitled, upon application, to a retirement annuity in an amount equal to the normal 
18.28    annuity provided in paragraph (b), without any reduction by reason of early retirement.
18.29    (d) This paragraph applies to a member who has become at least 55 years old and 
18.30    first became a member of the association after June 30, 1989, and to any other member 
18.31    who has become at least 55 years old and whose annuity amount when calculated under 
18.32    this paragraph and in conjunction with paragraph (e), is higher than it is when calculated 
18.33    under paragraph (b), in conjunction with paragraph (c). For a basic member, the average 
18.34    salary, as defined in section 354.05, subdivision 13a, multiplied by the percent specified 
18.35    by section 356.315, subdivision 4, for each year of service for a basic member and by 
18.36    the percent specified in section 356.315, subdivision 2, for each year of service for a 
18.37    coordinated member shall determine the amount of the retirement annuity to which the 
18.38    basic member is entitled. The annuity of a basic member who was a member for the 
18.39    former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association as of June 30, 2006, must 
18.40    be determined according to the annuity formula under the articles of incorporation of 
19.1     the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association in effect as of that date. 
19.2     For a coordinated member, the average salary, as defined in section 354.05, subdivision 
19.3     13a, multiplied by the percent specified in section 356.315, subdivision 2, for each year 
19.4     of service rendered before July 1, 2006, and by the percent specified in section 356.315, 
19.5     subdivision 2b, for each year of service rendered on or after July 1, 2006, determines the 
19.6     amount of the retirement annuity to which the coordinated member is entitled.
19.7     (e) This paragraph applies to a person who has become at least 55 years old and first 
19.8     becomes a member of the association after June 30, 1989, and to any other member who 
19.9     has become at least 55 years old and whose annuity is higher when calculated under 
19.10    paragraph (d) in conjunction with this paragraph than when calculated under paragraph 
19.11    (b), in conjunction with paragraph (c). An employee who retires under the formula annuity 
19.12    before the normal retirement age shall be paid the normal annuity provided in paragraph 
19.13    (d) reduced so that the reduced annuity is the actuarial equivalent of the annuity that would 
19.14    be payable to the employee if the employee deferred receipt of the annuity and the annuity 
19.15    amount were augmented at an annual rate of three percent compounded annually from the 
19.16    day the annuity begins to accrue until the normal retirement age.
19.17    (f) No retirement annuity is payable to a former employee with a salary that exceeds 
19.18    95 percent of the governor's salary unless and until the salary figures used in computing 
19.19    the highest five successive years average salary under paragraph (a) have been audited by 
19.20    the Teachers Retirement Association and determined by the executive director to comply 
19.21    with the requirements and limitations of section 354.05, subdivisions 35 and 35a.

19.24        Subdivision 1. Membership transfer. All active, inactive, and retired members of 
19.25    the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association are transferred to the Teachers 
19.26    Retirement Association and are no longer members of the Minneapolis Teachers 
19.27    Retirement Fund Association as of July 1, 2006.
19.28        Subd. 2. TRA membership. A person first hired as a teacher by Special School 
19.29    District No. 1, Minneapolis, after June 30, 2006, and who is a teacher as defined in 
19.30    section 354.05, subdivision 2, is a member of the Teachers Retirement Association for the 
19.31    person's teaching service.
19.32        Subd. 3. Service credit and liability transfer. All allowable service and salary 
19.33    credit of the members and other individuals transferred under subdivision 1 as specified in 
19.34    the records of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association on the transfer date 
19.35    is allowable service credit under section 354.05, subdivision 13, formula service credit 
20.1     under section 354.05, subdivision 25, and salary credit under section 354.05, subdivision 
20.2     35, for the Teachers Retirement Association.
20.3         Subd. 4. Transfer of records. On or before June 30, 2007, the chief administrative 
20.4     officer of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association shall effect a transfer of 
20.5     all records and documents relating to the funds and the benefit plans of the association 
20.6     to the executive director of the Teachers Retirement Association. To the extent possible, 
20.7     original copies of all records and documents must be transferred. The chief administrative 
20.8     officer of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association shall certify the accuracy 
20.9     of all records and documents for which the transfer of original copies was not possible.
20.10        Subd. 5. Transfer of assets. (a) On or before June 30, 2006, the chief administrative 
20.11    officer of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association shall transfer to the 
20.12    Teachers Retirement Association the entire assets of the special retirement fund of the 
20.13    Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association. The transfer of the assets of the 
20.14    Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association special retirement fund must include 
20.15    any accounts receivable that are determined by the executive director of the State Board of 
20.16    Investment as reasonably capable of being collected. Legal title to account receivables that 
20.17    are determined by the executive director of the State Board of Investment as not reasonably 
20.18    capable of being collected transfers to Special School District No. 1, Minneapolis, as of 
20.19    the date of the determination of the executive director of the State Board of Investment. 
20.20    If the account receivables transferred to Special School District No. 1, Minneapolis, 
20.21    are subsequently recovered by the school district, the superintendent of Special School 
20.22    District No. 1, Minneapolis, shall transfer the recovered amount to the executive director 
20.23    of the Teachers Retirement Association, in cash, for deposit in the teachers retirement 
20.24    fund, less the reasonable expenses of the school district related to the recovery.
20.25    (b) As of June 30, 2006, subject to the authority of the State Board of Investment, 
20.26    the board of directors of the Teachers Retirement Association has legal title to and 
20.27    management responsibility for any transferred assets under this subdivision as trustees for 
20.28    any person having a beneficial interest in the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
20.29    Fund Association. The Teachers Retirement Association is the successor in interest for 
20.30    all claims for and against the former coordinated and basic programs of the Minneapolis 
20.31    Teachers Retirement Fund Association special retirement fund with respect to the 
20.32    retirement fund association, except a claim against the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
20.33    Fund Association or any person connected with the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
20.34    Fund Association special retirement fund in a fiduciary capacity, based on any act or 
20.35    acts by that person which were not done in good faith and which constituted a breach of 
20.36    the obligation of the person as a fiduciary. As the successor in interest, the Teachers 
21.1     Retirement Association shall assert any applicable defense in any judicial proceeding 
21.2     which the board of the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association 
21.3     would have otherwise been entitled to assert relating to the special retirement fund and 
21.4     shall indemnify the board for any action in accordance with the provisions of the Public 
21.5     Pension Fiduciary Responsibility Act, section 356A.11. Such indemnification shall not be 
21.6     unreasonably withheld.
21.7     (c) From the assets of the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association 
21.8     transferred to the Teachers Retirement Association, an amount equal to the percentage 
21.9     figure that represents the ratio between the market value of the Minnesota postretirement 
21.10    investment fund as of June 30, 2006, and the required reserves of the Minnesota post 
21.11    retirement investment fund as of June 30, 2006, applied to the present value of future 
21.12    benefits payable to annuitants of the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund 
21.13    Association as of June 30, 2006, including any postretirement adjustment from the 
21.14    Minnesota postretirement investment fund expected to be payable on January 1, 2007, 
21.15    must be transferred to the Minnesota postretirement investment fund. The executive 
21.16    director of the State Board of Investment shall estimate this ratio at the time of the 
21.17    transfer. By January 1, 2007, after all necessary financial information becomes available 
21.18    to determine the actual funded ratio of the Minnesota postretirement investment fund, the 
21.19    postretirement investment fund must refund to the Teachers Retirement Association any 
21.20    excess assets or the Teachers Retirement Association must contribute any deficiency 
21.21    to the Minnesota postretirement investment fund with interest under section 11A.18, 
21.22    subdivision 6. The balance of the assets of the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
21.23    Fund Association after the transfer to the Minnesota postretirement investment fund must 
21.24    be credited to the Teachers Retirement Association.
21.25    If the assets transferred by the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association 
21.26    to the Teachers Retirement Association are insufficient to meet its obligation to the 
21.27    Minnesota postretirement investment fund, additional assets must be transferred by the 
21.28    executive director of the Teachers Retirement Association to meet the amount required.
21.29        Subd. 6. Benefit calculation. (a) For every deferred, inactive, disabled, and retired 
21.30    member of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association transferred under 
21.31    subdivision 1, and the survivors of these members, annuities or benefits earned before 
21.32    the date of the transfer, other than future postretirement adjustments, must be calculated 
21.33    and paid by the Teachers Retirement Association under the laws, articles of incorporation, 
21.34    and bylaws of the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association that were 
21.35    in effect relative to the person on the date of the person's termination of active service 
21.36    covered by the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association.
22.1     (b) Former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association members who retired 
22.2     before July 1, 2006, must receive postretirement adjustments after December 31, 2006, 
22.3     only as provided in section 11A.18. All other benefit recipients of the former Minneapolis 
22.4     Teachers Retirement Fund Association must receive postretirement adjustments after 
22.5     December 31, 2006, only as provided in section 356.41.
22.6     (c) This consolidation does not impair or diminish benefits for an active, deferred, 
22.7     or retired member or a survivor of an active, deferred, or retired member under the 
22.8     former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association in existence at the time of 
22.9     the consolidation.
22.10        Subd. 7. Termination of Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association 
22.11    special retirement fund. (a) As of December 31, 2007, and upon the transfer of 
22.12    administration, records, assets, and liabilities from the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
22.13    Fund Association to the Teachers Retirement Association, the Minneapolis Teachers 
22.14    Retirement Fund Association special retirement fund ceases to exist as a legal entity 
22.15    and public pension plan. If the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association has 
22.16    a general fund on December 31, 2007, the general fund may continue to exist as a legal 
22.17    entity under its articles of incorporation at the will of the members of the Minneapolis 
22.18    Teachers Retirement Fund Association. If the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund 
22.19    Association does not have a general fund as of December 31, 2007, the board of the 
22.20    Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association may establish a general fund, which 
22.21    may conduct business on behalf of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association 
22.22    as the board of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association may direct.
22.23    (b) The reasonable and necessary costs arising from the consolidation must be paid 
22.24    by the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association from the special retirement 
22.25    fund as these costs are incurred and are considered to be authorized expenses of the fund. 
22.26    If the expenses are incurred after the transfer date of assets of the special retirement 
22.27    fund and before the termination of the pension plan, the chief executive officer of the 
22.28    Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association may certify monthly to the executive 
22.29    director of the State Board of Investment and the executive director of the State Board 
22.30    of Investment shall pay to the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association the 
22.31    amounts needed by the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association to pay the 
22.32    actual, reasonable, and necessary administrative expenses of the retirement office that 
22.33    are due and payable, including:
22.34    (1) office expenses, including, but not limited to, rent, utilities, equipment, supplies, 
22.35    postage, periodical subscriptions, furniture, fixtures, salaries, and employee benefits of 
22.36    administrative personnel;
23.1     (2) salaries and expenses of the executive director and office staff of the association 
23.2     authorized by the board of trustees;
23.3     (3) audit, actuarial, medical, and legal expenses; and 
23.4     (4) any other actual, reasonable, and necessary expenses of the association 
23.5     authorized by the board of trustees.
23.6     (c) Contract liabilities and obligations of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund 
23.7     Association special retirement fund existing at the time of consolidation or termination of 
23.8     the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association special retirement fund are fully 
23.9     enforceable liabilities and obligations of the Teachers Retirement Association.

23.12        Subdivision 1. Appropriation. The positive difference, if any, between the actual 
23.13    state aid paid to the Minneapolis Employees Retirement fund under section 422A.101, 
23.14    subdivision 3, and $8,065,000 annually is appropriated from the general fund to the 
23.15    commissioner of finance for deposit in the Teachers Retirement Association to offset all or 
23.16    a portion of the current and future unfunded actuarial accrued liability of the Minneapolis 
23.17    Teachers Retirement Fund Association.
23.18        Subd. 2. Financial requirements. The appropriation in subdivision 1 is available 
23.19    to the extent that financial requirements of the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund 
23.20    under section 422A.101, subdivision 3, have been satisfied.

23.21        Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.011, subdivision 15a, is amended to 
23.22    read:
23.23        Subd. 15a. Normal retirement age. "Normal retirement age" means age 65 for 
23.24    a person who first became a member of the coordinated program of the Minneapolis or 
23.25    St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association or the new law coordinated program of 
23.26    the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association or a member of a pension fund listed 
23.27    in section  356.30, subdivision 3, before July 1, 1989. For a person who first became a 
23.28    member of the coordinated program of the Minneapolis or St. Paul Teachers Retirement 
23.29    Fund Association or the new law coordinated program of the Duluth Teachers Retirement 
23.30    Fund Association after June 30, 1989, normal retirement age means the higher of age 65 
23.31    or retirement age, as defined in United States Code, title 42, section 416(l), as amended, 
23.32    but not to exceed age 66. For a person who is a member of the basic program of the 
23.33    Minneapolis or St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association or the old law coordinated 
23.34    program of the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association, normal retirement age 
23.35    means the age at which a teacher becomes eligible for a normal retirement annuity 
24.1     computed upon meeting the age and service requirements specified in the applicable 
24.2     provisions of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the respective teachers retirement 
24.3     fund association. 

24.4         Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.011, subdivision 27, is amended to 
24.5     read:
24.6         Subd. 27. Teacher. (a) "Teacher" means any person who renders service for a public 
24.7     school district, other than a charter school, located in the corporate limits of one of the 
24.8     cities of the first class which was so classified on January 1, 1979 Duluth and St. Paul, 
24.9     as any of the following:
24.10    (1) a full-time employee in a position for which a valid license from the state 
24.11    Department of Education is required;
24.12    (2) an employee of the teachers retirement fund association located in the city of 
24.13    the first class unless the employee has exercised the option pursuant to Laws 1955, 
24.14    chapter 10, section 1, to retain membership in the Minneapolis Employees Retirement 
24.15    Fund established pursuant to chapter 422A;
24.16    (3) a part-time employee in a position for which a valid license from the state 
24.17    Department of Education is required; or
24.18    (4) a part-time employee in a position for which a valid license from the state 
24.19    Department of Education is required who also renders other nonteaching services for the 
24.20    school district, unless the board of trustees of the teachers retirement fund association 
24.21    determines that the combined employment is on the whole so substantially dissimilar to 
24.22    teaching service that the service may not be covered by the association.
24.23    (b) The term does not mean any person who renders service in the school district 
24.24    as any of the following:
24.25    (1) an independent contractor or the employee of an independent contractor;
24.26    (2) an employee who is a full-time teacher covered by the Teachers Retirement 
24.27    Association or by another teachers retirement fund association established pursuant to this 
24.28    chapter or chapter 354;
24.29    (3) an employee exempt from licensure pursuant to section  122A.30; 
24.30    (4) an employee who is a teacher in a technical college located in a city of the first 
24.31    class unless the person elects coverage by the applicable first class city teacher retirement 
24.32    fund association under section  354B.21, subdivision 2; 
24.33    (5) a teacher employed by a charter school, irrespective of the location of the 
24.34    school; or
24.35    (6) an employee who is a part-time teacher in a technical college in a city of the first 
24.36    class and who has elected coverage by the applicable first class city teacher retirement 
25.1     fund association under section  354B.21, subdivision 2, but (i) the teaching service is 
25.2     incidental to the regular nonteaching occupation of the person; (ii) the applicable technical 
25.3     college stipulates annually in advance that the part-time teaching service will not exceed 
25.4     300 hours in a fiscal year; and (iii) the part-time teaching actually does not exceed 300 
25.5     hours in the fiscal year to which the certification applies. 

25.6         Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.021, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
25.7         Subdivision 1. Establishment. There is established a teachers retirement fund 
25.8     association in each of the cities of the first class which were so classified on January 1, 
25.9     1979 Duluth and St. Paul. The associations shall be known respectively as the "Duluth 
25.10    Teachers Retirement Fund Association," the "Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund 
25.11    Association" and the "St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association." Each association 
25.12    shall be a continuation of the teachers retirement fund association with the same corporate 
25.13    name established pursuant to the authorization contained in Laws 1909, chapter 343, 
25.14    section 1.

25.15        Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.092, is amended to read:
25.16    354A.092 SABBATICAL LEAVE.
25.17    Any teacher in the coordinated program of either the Minneapolis Teachers 
25.18    Retirement Fund Association or the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association or 
25.19    any teacher in the new law coordinated program of the Duluth Teachers Retirement 
25.20    Fund Association who is granted a sabbatical leave shall be entitled to receive allowable 
25.21    service credit in the applicable association for periods of sabbatical leave. To obtain the 
25.22    service credit, the teacher on sabbatical leave shall make an employee contribution to the 
25.23    applicable association. No teacher shall be entitled to receive more than three years of 
25.24    allowable service credit pursuant to this section for a period or periods of sabbatical 
25.25    leave during any ten consecutive fiscal or calendar years, whichever is the applicable 
25.26    plan year for the teachers retirement fund association. If the teacher granted a sabbatical 
25.27    leave makes the employee contribution for a period of sabbatical leave pursuant to this 
25.28    section, the employing unit shall make an employer contribution on behalf of the teacher 
25.29    to the applicable association for that period of sabbatical leave in the manner described 
25.30    in section  354A.12, subdivision 2a. The employee and employer contributions shall be 
25.31    in an amount equal to the employee and employer contribution rates in effect for other 
25.32    active members of the association covered by the same program applied to a salary figure 
25.33    equal to the teacher's actual covered salary for the plan year immediately preceding the 
25.34    sabbatical leave period. Payment of the employee contribution authorized pursuant to this 
25.35    section shall be made by the teacher on or before June 30 of year next following the year 
25.36    in which the sabbatical leave terminated and shall be made without interest. For sabbatical 
26.1     leaves taken after June 30, 1986, the required employer contributions shall be paid by the 
26.2     employing unit within 30 days after notification by the association of the amount due. 
26.3     If the employee contributions for the sabbatical leave period are less than an amount 
26.4     equal to the applicable contribution rate applied to a salary figure equal to the teacher's 
26.5     actual covered salary for the plan year immediately preceding the sabbatical leave period, 
26.6     service credit shall be prorated. The prorated service credit shall be determined by the 
26.7     ratio between the amount of the actual payment which was made and the full contribution 
26.8     amount payable pursuant to this section. 

26.9         Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.093, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
26.10        Subdivision 1. Eligibility. Any teacher in the coordinated program of either the 
26.11    Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association or the St. Paul Teachers Retirement 
26.12    Fund Association or any teacher in the new law coordinated program of the Duluth 
26.13    Teachers Retirement Fund Association who is absent from employment by reason of 
26.14    service in the uniformed services as defined in United States Code, title 38, section 
26.15    4303(13) and who returns to the employer providing active teaching service upon 
26.16    discharge from uniformed service within the time frames required under United States 
26.17    Code, title 38, section 4312(e), may receive allowable service credit in the applicable 
26.18    association for all or a portion of the period of uniformed service, provided that the teacher 
26.19    did not separate from uniformed service with a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge 
26.20    or under other than honorable conditions.

26.21        Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.095, is amended to read:
26.23    Basic or coordinated members of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund 
26.24    Association, the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association, and new coordinated 
26.25    members of the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association, who are granted parental 
26.26    or maternity leave of absence by the employing authority, are entitled to obtain service 
26.27    credit not to exceed one year for the period of leave upon payment to the applicable 
26.28    fund by the end of the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the leave of absence 
26.29    terminated. The amount of the payment must include the total required employee and 
26.30    employer contributions for the period of leave prescribed in section  354A.12. Payment 
26.31    must be based on the member's average monthly salary rate upon return to teaching 
26.32    service, and is payable without interest. Payment must be accompanied by a certified or 
26.33    otherwise adequate copy of the resolution or action of the employing authority granting 
26.34    or approving the leave. 

26.35        Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.096, is amended to read:
27.1     354A.096 MEDICAL LEAVE.
27.2     Any teacher in the coordinated program of either the Minneapolis Teachers 
27.3     Retirement Fund Association or the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association or the 
27.4     new law coordinated program of the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association who is 
27.5     on an authorized medical leave of absence and subsequently returns to teaching service 
27.6     is entitled to receive allowable service credit, not to exceed one year, for the period of 
27.7     leave, upon making the prescribed payment to the fund. This payment must include the 
27.8     required employee and employer contributions at the rates specified in section  354A.12, 
27.9     subdivisions 1 and 2, as applied to the member's average full-time monthly salary rate on 
27.10    the date the leave of absence commenced plus annual interest at the rate of 8.5 percent per 
27.11    year from the end of the fiscal year during which the leave terminates to the end of the 
27.12    month during which payment is made. The member must pay the total amount required 
27.13    unless the employing unit, at its option, pays the employer contributions. The total amount 
27.14    required must be paid by the end of the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the 
27.15    leave of absence terminated or before the member retires, whichever is earlier. Payment 
27.16    must be accompanied by a copy of the resolution or action of the employing authority 
27.17    granting the leave and the employing authority, upon granting the leave, must certify 
27.18    the leave to the association in a manner specified by the executive director. A member 
27.19    may not receive more than one year of allowable service credit during any fiscal year by 
27.20    making payment under this section. A member may not receive disability benefits under 
27.21    section  354A.36 and receive allowable service credit under this section for the same 
27.22    period of time. 

27.23        Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.12, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
27.24        Subdivision 1. Employee contributions. The contribution required to be paid by 
27.25    each member of a teachers retirement fund association shall not be less than the percentage 
27.26    of total salary specified below for the applicable association and program:
27.27    Association and Program                   Percentage of    
27.28                                                    Total Salary
27.29    Duluth Teachers Retirement Association                                    
27.30                old law and new law                 
27.31                coordinated programs                 5.5 percent
27.32    Minneapolis Teachers Retirement                                     
27.33    Association                                     
27.34                basic program                       8.5 percent
27.35                coordinated program                 5.5 percent
27.36    St. Paul Teachers Retirement Association                                    
27.37                basic program                       8 percent
27.38                coordinated program                 5.5 percent
28.1     Contributions shall be made by deduction from salary and must be remitted directly 
28.2     to the respective teachers retirement fund association at least once each month.

28.3         Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.12, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
28.4         Subd. 2. Retirement contribution levy disallowed. Except as provided in 
28.5     subdivision 3b and in section   423A.02, subdivision 3, with respect to the city of 
28.6     Minneapolis and special school district No. 1 and in section   423A.02, subdivision 3, with 
28.7     respect to independent school district No. 625, notwithstanding any law to the contrary, 
28.8     levies for teachers retirement fund associations in the cities of the first class Duluth and St. 
28.9     Paul, including levies for any employer Social Security taxes for teachers covered by the 
28.10    Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association or the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
28.11    Fund Association or the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, are disallowed. 

28.12        Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.12, subdivision 2a, is amended to read:
28.13        Subd. 2a. Employer regular and additional contribution rates. (a) The 
28.14    employing units shall make the following employer contributions to teachers retirement 
28.15    fund associations:
28.16    (1)  for any coordinated member of a teachers retirement fund association in a city 
28.17    of the first class, the employing unit shall pay the employer Social Security taxes in 
28.18    accordance with section   355.46, subdivision 3, clause (b); 
28.19    (2) for any coordinated member of one of the following teachers retirement fund 
28.20    associations in a city of the first class, the employing unit shall make a regular employer 
28.21    contribution to the respective retirement fund association in an amount equal to the 
28.22    designated percentage of the salary of the coordinated member as provided below:
28.23         Duluth Teachers Retirement                       
28.24         Fund Association                  4.50 percent   
28.25         Minneapolis Teachers Retirement                  
28.26         Fund Association                  4.50 percent   
28.27         St. Paul Teachers Retirement                     
28.28         Fund Association                  4.50 percent   
28.29    (3) for any basic member of one of the following St. Paul Teachers Retirement 
28.30    Fund associations in a city of the first class Association, the employing unit shall make a 
28.31    regular employer contribution to the respective retirement fund in an amount equal to the 
28.32    designated percentage 8.00 percent of the salary of the basic member as provided below:;
28.33         Minneapolis Teachers Retirement                  
28.34         Fund Association                  8.50 percent   
28.35         St. Paul Teachers Retirement                     
28.36         Fund Association                  8.00 percent   
29.1     (4) for a basic member of a the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association in a 
29.2     city of the first class, the employing unit shall make an additional employer contribution to 
29.3     the respective fund in an amount equal to the designated percentage 3.64 percent of the 
29.4     salary of the basic member, as provided below:;
29.5          Minneapolis Teachers Retirement                                 
29.6          Fund Association                                 
29.7           July 1, 1993 - June 30, 1994     4.85 percent   
29.8           July 1, 1994, and thereafter     3.64 percent   
29.9          St. Paul Teachers Retirement                                 
29.10         Fund Association                                 
29.11          July 1, 1993 - June 30, 1995     4.63 percent   
29.12          July 1, 1995, and thereafter     3.64 percent   
29.13    (5) for a coordinated member of a teachers retirement fund association in a city 
29.14    of the first class, the employing unit shall make an additional employer contribution to 
29.15    the respective fund in an amount equal to the applicable percentage of the coordinated 
29.16    member's salary, as provided below:
29.17         Duluth Teachers Retirement                                 
29.18         Fund Association1.29 percent                     
29.19         Minneapolis Teachers Retirement                                 
29.20         Fund Association                                 
29.21          July 1, 1993 - June 30, 1994     0.50 percent   
29.22          July 1, 1994, and thereafter     3.64 percent   
29.23         St. Paul Teachers Retirement                                 
29.24         Fund Association                                 
29.25          July 1, 1993 - June 30, 1994     0.50 percent   
29.26          July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1995     1.50 percent   
29.27          July 1, 1997, and thereafter     3.84 percent   
29.28    (b) The regular and additional employer contributions must be remitted directly to 
29.29    the respective teachers retirement fund association at least once each month. Delinquent 
29.30    amounts are payable with interest under the procedure in subdivision 1a.
29.31    (c) Payments of regular and additional employer contributions for school district 
29.32    or technical college employees who are paid from normal operating funds must be made 
29.33    from the appropriate fund of the district or technical college.

29.34        Sec. 20. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.12, subdivision 3a, is amended to read:
29.35        Subd. 3a. Special direct state aid to first class city teachers retirement fund 
29.36    associations. (a) In fiscal year 1998, the state shall pay $4,827,000 to the St. Paul 
29.37    Teachers Retirement Fund Association, $17,954,000 to the Minneapolis Teachers 
29.38    Retirement Fund Association, and $486,000 to the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund 
29.39    Association. In each subsequent fiscal year after fiscal year 2006, these payments to the 
30.1     first class city teachers retirement fund associations must be $2,827,000 for St. Paul, 
30.2     $12,954,000 to the Teachers Retirement Association for the former Minneapolis Teachers 
30.3     Retirement Fund Association, and $486,000 for Duluth.
30.4     (b) The direct state aids under this subdivision are payable October 1 annually. The 
30.5     commissioner of finance shall pay the direct state aid. The amount required under this 
30.6     subdivision is appropriated annually from the general fund to the commissioner of finance.

30.7         Sec. 21. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.12, subdivision 3b, is amended to read:
30.8         Subd. 3b. Special direct state matching aid to the Minneapolis Teachers 
30.9     Retirement Fund Association. (a) Special School District No. 1 may must make 
30.10    an additional employer contribution to the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund 
30.11    Association. The city of Minneapolis may must make a contribution to the Minneapolis 
30.12    Teachers Retirement Fund Association. This contribution may must be made by a levy 
30.13    of the board of estimate and taxation of the city of Minneapolis and the levy, if made, is 
30.14    classified as that of a special taxing district for purposes of sections   275.065 and   276.04, 
30.15    and for all other property tax purposes. 
30.16    (b) For every $1,000 $1,125,000 must be contributed in equal proportion by Special 
30.17    School District No. 1 and $1,125,000 must be contributed by the city of Minneapolis to 
30.18    the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association under paragraph (a), and the 
30.19    state shall pay to the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association $1,000, but not 
30.20    to exceed $2,500,000 in total in each fiscal year 1994. The superintendent of Special 
30.21    School District No. 1, the mayor of the city of Minneapolis, and the executive director 
30.22    of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association shall jointly certify to the 
30.23    commissioner of finance the total amount that has been contributed by Special School 
30.24    District No. 1 and by the city of Minneapolis to the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
30.25    Fund Association. Any certification to the commissioner of education must be made 
30.26    quarterly. If the total certifications for a fiscal year exceed the maximum annual direct state 
30.27    matching aid amount in any quarter, the amount of direct state matching aid payable to the 
30.28    Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association must be limited to the balance of the 
30.29    maximum annual direct state matching aid amount available. The amount required under 
30.30    this paragraph, subject to the maximum direct state matching aid amount, is appropriated 
30.31    annually to the commissioner of finance.
30.32    (c) The commissioner of finance may prescribe the form of the certifications 
30.33    required under paragraph (b).

30.34        Sec. 22. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.12, subdivision 3c, is amended to read:
30.35        Subd. 3c. Termination of supplemental contributions and direct matching 
30.36    and state aid. (a) The supplemental contributions payable to the Minneapolis Teachers 
31.1     Retirement Fund Association by Special School District No. 1 and the city of Minneapolis 
31.2     under section   423A.02, subdivision 3, which must continue to be paid to the Teachers 
31.3     Retirement Association until 2036, or to the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund 
31.4     Association by Independent School District No. 625 under section   423A.02, subdivision 
31.5     3, or the direct state aids under subdivision 3a to the first class city St. Paul Teachers 
31.6     Retirement associations, and the direct matching and state aid under subdivision 3b to 
31.7     the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association terminate for the respective fund 
31.8     at the end of the fiscal year in which the accrued liability funding ratio for that fund, as 
31.9     determined in the most recent actuarial report for that fund by the actuary retained by the 
31.10    Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement, equals or exceeds the accrued 
31.11    liability funding ratio for the teachers retirement association, as determined in the most 
31.12    recent actuarial report for the Teachers Retirement Association by the actuary retained by 
31.13    the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement. 
31.14    (b) If the state direct matching, state supplemental, or state aid is terminated for a 
31.15    first class city teachers retirement fund association under paragraph (a), it may not again 
31.16    be received by that fund.
31.17    (c) If either the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association, the St. 
31.18    Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, or the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund 
31.19    Association remain is funded at less than the funding ratio applicable to the Teachers 
31.20    Retirement Association when the provisions of paragraph (b) become effective, then any 
31.21    state aid not previously distributed to that association must be immediately transferred to 
31.22    the other associations in proportion to the relative sizes of their unfunded actuarial accrued 
31.23    liabilities Teachers Retirement Association.

31.24        Sec. 23. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.12, subdivision 3d, is amended to read:
31.25        Subd. 3d. Supplemental administrative expense assessment. (a) The active 
31.26    and retired membership of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association and 
31.27    of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association is responsible for defraying 
31.28    supplemental administrative expenses other than investment expenses of the respective 
31.29    teacher retirement fund association.
31.30    (b) Investment expenses of the teachers retirement fund association are those 
31.31    expenses incurred by or on behalf of the retirement fund in connection with the investment 
31.32    of the assets of the retirement fund other than investment security transaction costs. Other 
31.33    administrative expenses are all expenses incurred by or on behalf of the retirement fund 
31.34    for all other retirement fund functions other than the investment of retirement fund assets. 
31.35    Investment and other administrative expenses must be accounted for using generally 
31.36    accepted accounting principles and in a manner consistent with the comprehensive annual 
32.1     financial report of the teachers retirement fund association for the immediately previous 
32.2     fiscal year under section   356.20. 
32.3     (c) Supplemental administrative expenses other than investment expenses of a first 
32.4     class city teacher the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association are those expenses 
32.5     for the fiscal year that:
32.6     (1) exceed, for the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, $443,745, or 
32.7     for the Minneapolis Teacher Retirement Fund Association $671,513, plus, in each case, 
32.8     an additional amount derived by applying the percentage increase in the Consumer Price 
32.9     Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers All Items Index published by the 
32.10    Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor since July 1, 2001, to 
32.11    the applicable dollar amount; and
32.12    (2)  exceed the amount computed by applying the most recent percentage of 
32.13    pay administrative expense amount, other than investment expenses, for the teachers 
32.14    retirement association governed by chapter 354 to the covered payroll of the respective 
32.15    teachers retirement fund association for the fiscal year.
32.16    (d) The board of trustees of each first class city the St. Paul Teachers Retirement 
32.17    Fund Association shall allocate the total dollar amount of supplemental administrative 
32.18    expenses other than investment expenses determined under paragraph (c), clause (2), 
32.19    among the various active and retired membership groups of the teachers retirement fund 
32.20    association and shall assess the various membership groups their respective share of 
32.21    the supplemental administrative expenses other than investment expenses, in amounts 
32.22    determined by the board of trustees. The supplemental administrative expense assessments 
32.23    must be paid by the membership group in a manner determined by the board of trustees 
32.24    of the respective teachers retirement association. Supplemental administrative expenses 
32.25    payable by the active members of the pension plan must be picked up by the employer in 
32.26    accordance with section   356.62. 
32.27    (e) With respect to the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, the 
32.28    supplemental administrative expense assessment must be fully disclosed to the various 
32.29    active and retired membership groups of the teachers retirement fund association. The 
32.30    chief administrative officer of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association shall 
32.31    prepare a supplemental administrative expense assessment disclosure notice, which must 
32.32    include the following:
32.33    (1) the total amount of administrative expenses of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement 
32.34    Fund Association, the amount of the investment expenses of the St. Paul Teachers 
32.35    Retirement Fund Association, and the net remaining amount of administrative expenses of 
32.36    the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association;
33.1     (2) the amount of administrative expenses for the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund 
33.2     Association that would be equivalent to the teachers retirement association noninvestment 
33.3     administrative expense level described in paragraph (c);
33.4     (3) the total amount of supplemental administrative expenses required for assessment 
33.5     calculated under paragraph (c);
33.6     (4) the portion of the total amount of the supplemental administrative expense 
33.7     assessment allocated to each membership group and the rationale for that allocation;
33.8     (5) the manner of collecting the supplemental administrative expense assessment 
33.9     from each membership group, the number of assessment payments required during the 
33.10    year, and the amount of each payment or the procedure used to determine each payment; 
33.11    and
33.12    (6) any other information that the chief administrative officer determines is necessary 
33.13    to fairly portray the manner in which the supplemental administrative expense assessment 
33.14    was determined and allocated.
33.15    (f) The disclosure notice must be provided annually in the annual report of the 
33.16    association.
33.17    (g)  The supplemental administrative expense assessments must be deposited in the 
33.18    applicable teachers retirement fund upon receipt.
33.19    (h)  Any omitted active membership group assessments that remain undeducted 
33.20    and unpaid to the teachers retirement fund association for 90 days must be paid by the 
33.21    respective school district. The school district may recover any omitted active membership 
33.22    group assessment amounts that it has previously paid. The teachers retirement fund 
33.23    association shall deduct any omitted retired membership group assessment amounts from 
33.24    the benefits next payable after the discovery of the omitted amounts.

33.25        Sec. 24. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.30, is amended to read:
33.28    There is established a coordinated program within the Minneapolis Teachers 
33.29    Retirement Fund Association and a coordinated program within the St. Paul Teachers 
33.30    Retirement Fund Association to provide retirement coverage for teachers who are covered 
33.31    by an agreement or modification made between the state and the secretary of health, 
33.32    education and welfare making the provisions of the federal Old Age, Survivors and 
33.33    Disability Insurance Act applicable to certain teachers covered by the teachers retirement 
33.34    fund association. The provisions governing the coordinated program shall be sections  
33.35    354A.31 to  354A.41 and any other applicable provisions of this chapter. 

34.1         Sec. 25. Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 354A.31, subdivision 4, is 
34.2     amended to read:
34.3         Subd. 4. Computation of the normal coordinated retirement annuity; 
34.4     Minneapolis and St. Paul funds fund. (a) This subdivision applies to the coordinated 
34.5     programs program of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association and the St. 
34.6     Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association.
34.7     (b) The normal coordinated retirement annuity is an amount equal to a retiring 
34.8     coordinated member's average salary under section 354A.011, subdivision 7a, multiplied 
34.9     by the retirement annuity formula percentage.
34.10    (c) This paragraph, in conjunction with subdivision 6, applies to a person who first 
34.11    became a member or a member in a pension fund listed in section 356.30, subdivision 3, 
34.12    before July 1, 1989, unless paragraph (d), in conjunction with subdivision 7, produces a 
34.13    higher annuity amount, in which case paragraph (d) will apply. The retirement annuity 
34.14    formula percentage for purposes of this paragraph is the percent specified in section 
34.15    356.315, subdivision 1, per year for each year of coordinated service for the first ten years 
34.16    and the percent specified in section 356.315, subdivision 2, for each year of coordinated 
34.17    service thereafter.
34.18    (d) This paragraph applies to a person who has become at least 55 years old and who 
34.19    first becomes a member after June 30, 1989, and to any other member who has become 
34.20    at least 55 years old and whose annuity amount, when calculated under this paragraph 
34.21    and in conjunction with subdivision 7 is higher than it is when calculated under paragraph 
34.22    (c), in conjunction with the provisions of subdivision 6. The retirement annuity formula 
34.23    percentage for purposes of this paragraph is the percent specified in section 356.315, 
34.24    subdivision 2, for each year of coordinated service.

34.25        Sec. 26. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.32, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
34.26        Subdivision 1. Optional forms generally. The boards board of the Minneapolis and 
34.27    the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Associations shall Association each establish for the 
34.28    coordinated program and the board of the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association 
34.29    shall establish for the new law coordinated program an optional retirement annuity which 
34.30    shall take the form of a joint and survivor annuity. Each board may also in its discretion 
34.31    establish an optional annuity which shall take the form of an annuity payable for a period 
34.32    certain and for life thereafter. Each board shall also establish an optional retirement 
34.33    annuity that guarantees payment of the balance of the annuity recipient's accumulated 
34.34    deductions to a designated beneficiary upon the death of the annuity recipient. Except as 
34.35    provided in subdivision 1a, optional annuity forms shall be the actuarial equivalent of the 
34.36    normal forms provided in section  354A.31. In establishing these optional annuity forms, 
35.1     the board shall obtain the written recommendation of the commission-retained actuary. 
35.2     The recommendation shall be a part of the permanent records of the board. 

35.3         Sec. 27. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.39, is amended to read:
35.5     Any person who has been a member of the Minnesota State Retirement System, the 
35.6     Public Employees Retirement Association including the Public Employees Retirement 
35.7     Association Police and Fire Fund, the Teachers Retirement Association, the Minnesota 
35.8     State Patrol Retirement Association, the legislators retirement plan, the constitutional 
35.9     officers retirement plan, the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund, the Duluth 
35.10    Teachers Retirement Fund Association new law coordinated program, the Minneapolis 
35.11    Teachers Retirement Fund Association coordinated program, the St. Paul Teachers 
35.12    Retirement Fund Association coordinated program, or any other public employee 
35.13    retirement system in the state of Minnesota having a like provision but excluding all other 
35.14    funds providing retirement benefits for police officers or firefighters shall be entitled 
35.15    when qualified to an annuity from each fund if the person's total allowable service in all 
35.16    of the funds or in any two or more of the funds totals three or more years, provided that 
35.17    no portion of the allowable service upon which the retirement annuity from one fund is 
35.18    based is used again in the computation for a retirement annuity from another fund and 
35.19    provided further that the person has not taken a refund from any of funds or associations 
35.20    since the person's membership in the fund or association has terminated. The annuity 
35.21    from each fund or association shall be determined by the appropriate provisions of the 
35.22    law governing each fund or association, except that the requirement that a person must 
35.23    have at least three years of allowable service in the respective fund or association shall not 
35.24    apply for the purposes of this section, provided that the aggregate service in two or more 
35.25    of these funds equals three or more years.

35.26        Sec. 28. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.40, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
35.27        Subdivision 1. Retirement annuity. Any coordinated member of either the 
35.28    Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association or of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement 
35.29    Fund Association who has credited service prior to July 1, 1978 shall be entitled to 
35.30    receive a retirement annuity when otherwise qualified, the calculation of which shall 
35.31    utilize the applicable retirement annuity formula specified in articles of incorporation and 
35.32    bylaws of the teachers retirement fund association governing the basic program for that 
35.33    portion of credited service which was served prior to July 1, 1978, and the retirement 
35.34    annuity formula specified in section  354A.31 for the remainder of the member's credited 
35.35    service, both applied to the member's average salary as specified in section  354A.31, 
35.36    subdivision 4. The formula percentages to be used in calculating the coordinated portion 
36.1     of the retirement annuity or coordinated service under this section shall recognize the 
36.2     coordinated service as a continuation of any service prior to July 1, 1978. 

36.3         Sec. 29. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 354A.41, is amended to read:
36.5         Subdivision 1. Administrative provisions. The provisions of the articles of 
36.6     incorporation and bylaws of the Minneapolis or the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund 
36.7     Association, whichever is applicable, relating to the administration of the fund shall govern 
36.8     the administration of the coordinated program and basic programs and the provisions of the 
36.9     articles of incorporation and bylaws of the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association 
36.10    relating to the administration of the fund shall govern the administration of the new law 
36.11    coordinated program in instances where the administrative provisions are not inconsistent 
36.12    with the provisions of sections  354A.31 to  354A.41, including but not limited to 
36.13    provisions relating to the composition and function of the board of trustees, the investment 
36.14    of assets of the teachers retirement fund association, and the definition of the plan year. 
36.15    The administrative provisions in the articles of incorporation and the bylaws of the 
36.16    Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association pertaining to the granting of pension 
36.17    benefits of the basic and coordinated programs are no longer in effect after June 30, 2006. 
36.18    After June 30, 2006, if the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association continues 
36.19    to exist as a nonprofit organization, the board shall adopt the appropriate amendments to 
36.20    its bylaws and articles of incorporation to reflect its change in status and operation.
36.21        Subd. 2. Actuarial valuations. In any actuarial valuation of the Minneapolis 
36.22    Teachers Retirement Fund Association, the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund 
36.23    Association, or the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association under section  356.215 
36.24    prepared by the commission-retained actuary or supplemental actuarial valuation prepared 
36.25    by an approved actuary retained by the teachers retirement fund association, there shall 
36.26    be included a finding of the condition of the fund showing separately the basic and 
36.27    coordinated programs or the old law coordinated and new law coordinated programs, as 
36.28    appropriate. The finding shall include the level normal cost and the applicable employee 
36.29    and employer contribution rates for each program. 

36.30        Sec. 30. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.20, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
36.31        Subd. 2. Covered public pension plans and funds. This section applies to the 
36.32    following public pension plans:
36.33    (1) the general state employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State Retirement 
36.34    System;
37.1     (2) the general employees retirement plan of the Public Employees Retirement 
37.2     Association;
37.3     (3) the Teachers Retirement Association;
37.4     (4)  the State Patrol retirement plan;
37.5     (5) the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association;
37.6     (6) the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association;
37.7     (7) (6) the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association;
37.8     (8) (7) the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund;
37.9     (9) (8) the University of Minnesota faculty retirement plan;
37.10    (10) (9) the University of Minnesota faculty supplemental retirement plan;
37.11    (11) (10) the judges retirement fund;
37.12    (12) (11) a police or firefighter's relief association specified or described in section   
37.13    69.77, subdivision 1a, or   69.771, subdivision 1; 
37.14    (13) (12) the public employees police and fire plan of the Public Employees 
37.15    Retirement Association;
37.16    (14) (13) the correctional state employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State 
37.17    Retirement System; and
37.18    (15) (14) the local government correctional service retirement plan of the Public 
37.19    Employees Retirement Association.

37.20        Sec. 31. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.214, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
37.21        Subdivision 1. Joint retention. (a) The chief administrative officers of the 
37.22    Minnesota State Retirement System, the Public Employees Retirement Association, the 
37.23    Teachers Retirement Association, the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association, 
37.24    the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association, the Minneapolis Employees 
37.25    Retirement Fund, and the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, jointly, on 
37.26    behalf of the state, its employees, its taxpayers, and its various public pension plans, 
37.27    shall contract with an established actuarial consulting firm to conduct annual actuarial 
37.28    valuations and related services for the retirement plans named in paragraph (b). The 
37.29    principal from the actuarial consulting firm on the contract must be an approved actuary 
37.30    under section  356.215, subdivision 1, paragraph (c). Prior to becoming effective, 
37.31    the contract under this section is subject to a review and approval by the Legislative 
37.32    Commission on Pensions and Retirement. 
37.33    (b) The contract for actuarial services must include the preparation of actuarial 
37.34    valuations and related actuarial work for the following retirement plans:
37.35    (1) the teachers retirement plan, Teachers Retirement Association;
37.36    (2) the general state employees retirement plan, Minnesota State Retirement System;
38.1     (3) the correctional employees retirement plan, Minnesota State Retirement System;
38.2     (4) the State Patrol retirement plan, Minnesota State Retirement System;
38.3     (5) the judges retirement plan, Minnesota State Retirement System;
38.4     (6) the Minneapolis employees retirement plan, Minneapolis Employees Retirement 
38.5     Fund;
38.6     (7) the public employees retirement plan, Public Employees Retirement Association;
38.7     (8) the public employees police and fire plan, Public Employees Retirement 
38.8     Association;
38.9     (9) the Duluth teachers retirement plan, Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund 
38.10    Association;
38.11    (10) the Minneapolis teachers retirement plan, Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
38.12    Fund Association;
38.13    (11) (10) the St. Paul teachers retirement plan, St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund 
38.14    Association;
38.15    (12) (11) the legislators retirement plan, Minnesota State Retirement System;
38.16    (13) (12) the elective state officers retirement plan, Minnesota State Retirement 
38.17    System; and
38.18    (14) (13) local government correctional service retirement plan, Public Employees 
38.19    Retirement Association.
38.20    (c) The contract must require completion of the annual actuarial valuation 
38.21    calculations on a fiscal year basis, with the contents of the actuarial valuation calculations 
38.22    as specified in section  356.215, and in conformity with the standards for actuarial work 
38.23    adopted by the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement. 
38.24    The contract must require completion of annual experience data collection and 
38.25    processing and a quadrennial published experience study for the plans listed in paragraph 
38.26    (b), clauses (1), (2), and (7), as provided for in the standards for actuarial work adopted by 
38.27    the commission. The experience data collection, processing, and analysis must evaluate 
38.28    the following:
38.29    (1) individual salary progression;
38.30    (2) the rate of return on investments based on the current asset value;
38.31    (3) payroll growth;
38.32    (4) mortality;
38.33    (5) retirement age;
38.34    (6) withdrawal; and
38.35    (7) disablement.
39.1     The contract must include provisions for the preparation of cost analyses by the 
39.2     jointly retained actuary for proposed legislation that include changes in benefit provisions 
39.3     or funding policies prior to their consideration by the Legislative Commission on Pensions 
39.4     and Retirement.
39.5     (d) The actuary retained by the joint retirement systems shall annually prepare a 
39.6     report to the legislature, including a commentary on the actuarial valuation calculations 
39.7     for the plans named in paragraph (b) and summarizing the results of the actuarial valuation 
39.8     calculations. The actuary shall include with the report the actuary's recommendations 
39.9     to the legislature concerning the appropriateness of the support rates to achieve proper 
39.10    funding of the retirement plans by the required funding dates. The actuary shall, as part 
39.11    of the quadrennial experience study, include recommendations to the legislature on the 
39.12    appropriateness of the actuarial valuation assumptions required for evaluation in the study.
39.13    (e) If the actuarial gain and loss analysis in the actuarial valuation calculations 
39.14    indicates a persistent pattern of sizable gains or losses, as directed by the joint retirement 
39.15    systems or as requested by the chair of the Legislative Commission on Pensions and 
39.16    Retirement, the actuary shall prepare a special experience study for a plan listed in 
39.17    paragraph (b), clause (3), (4), (5), (6), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), or (14) (13), in the 
39.18    manner provided for in the standards for actuarial work adopted by the commission.
39.19    (f) The term of the contract between the joint retirement systems and the actuary 
39.20    retained may not exceed five years. The joint retirement system administrative officers 
39.21    shall establish procedures for the consideration and selection of contract bidders and 
39.22    the requirements for the contents of an actuarial services contract under this section. 
39.23    The procedures and requirements must be submitted to the Legislative Commission on 
39.24    Pensions and Retirement for review and comment prior to final approval by the joint 
39.25    administrators. The contract is subject to the procurement procedures under chapter 16C. 
39.26    The consideration of bids and the selection of a consulting actuarial firm by the chief 
39.27    administrative officers must occur at a meeting that is open to the public and reasonable 
39.28    timely public notice of the date and the time of the meeting and its subject matter must 
39.29    be given.
39.30    (g) The actuarial services contract may not limit the ability of the Minnesota 
39.31    legislature and its standing committees and commissions to rely on the actuarial results 
39.32    of the work prepared under the contract.
39.33    (h) The joint retirement systems shall designate one of the retirement system 
39.34    executive directors as the actuarial services contract manager.

39.35        Sec. 32. Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 356.215, subdivision 8, is 
39.36    amended to read:
40.1         Subd. 8. Interest and salary assumptions. (a) The actuarial valuation must use 
40.2     the applicable following preretirement interest assumption and the applicable following 
40.3     postretirement interest assumption:
40.4                                  preretirement           postretirement
40.5                                  interest rate           interest rate
40.6            plan                    assumption             assumption
40.7     general state employees retirement plan     8.5%                  6.0% 
40.8     correctional state employees retirement                                 
40.9     plan                              8.5                   6.0  
40.10    State Patrol retirement plan      8.5                   6.0  
40.11    legislators retirement plan       8.5                   6.0  
40.12    elective state officers retirement plan     8.5                   6.0  
40.13    judges retirement plan            8.5                   6.0  
40.14    general public employees retirement                                 
40.15    plan                              8.5                   6.0  
40.16    public employees police and fire                                 
40.17    retirement plan                   8.5                   6.0  
40.18    local government correctional service                                 
40.19    retirement plan                   8.5                   6.0  
40.20    teachers retirement plan          8.5                   6.0  
40.21    Minneapolis employees retirement plan     6.0                   5.0  
40.22    Duluth teachers retirement plan     8.5                   8.5  
40.23    Minneapolis teachers retirement plan     8.5                   8.5  
40.24    St. Paul teachers retirement plan     8.5                   8.5  
40.25    Minneapolis Police Relief Association     6.0                   6.0  
40.26    Fairmont Police Relief Association     5.0                   5.0  
40.27    Minneapolis Fire Department Relief                                 
40.28    Association                       6.0                   6.0  
40.29    Virginia Fire Department Relief                                 
40.30    Association                       5.0                   5.0  
40.31    Bloomington Fire Department Relief                                 
40.32    Association                       6.0                   6.0  
40.33    local monthly benefit volunteer                                 
40.34    firefighters relief associations     5.0                   5.0  
40.35    (b) The actuarial valuation must use the applicable following single rate future salary 
40.36    increase assumption, the applicable following modified single rate future salary increase 
40.37    assumption, or the applicable following graded rate future salary increase assumption:
40.38    (1) single rate future salary increase assumption
40.39                                         future salary    
40.40                   plan                increase assumption 
40.41    legislators retirement plan                 5.0% 
40.42    elective state officers retirement plan          5.0  
40.43    judges retirement plan                      5.0  
40.44    Minneapolis Police Relief Association          4.0  
41.1     Fairmont Police Relief Association          3.5  
41.2     Minneapolis Fire Department Relief                
41.3     Association                                 4.0  
41.4     Virginia Fire Department Relief Association          3.5  
41.5     Bloomington Fire Department Relief                
41.6     Association                                 4.0  
41.7     (2) modified single rate future salary increase assumption
41.8                                               future salary         
41.9               plan                          increase assumption      
41.10                                      the prior calendar year amount 
41.11                                      increased first by 1.0198 percent to 
41.12                                      prior fiscal year date and then increased 
41.13    Minneapolis employees             by 4.0 percent annually for each future 
41.14    retirement plan                   year                         
41.15    (3) select and ultimate future salary increase assumption or graded rate future salary 
41.16    increase assumption
41.17                                      future salary           
41.18              plan                  increase assumption        
41.19    general state employees                                   
41.20    retirement plan         select calculation and assumption A
41.21    correctional state employees                                   
41.22    retirement plan                         assumption HG                 
41.23    State Patrol retirement plan                assumption HG                 
41.24    general public employees                                   
41.25    retirement plan         select calculation and assumption B
41.26    public employees police and fire                                   
41.27    fund retirement plan               assumption C            
41.28    local government correctional                                   
41.29    service retirement plan                 assumption HG                 
41.30    teachers retirement plan           assumption D            
41.31    Duluth teachers retirement plan           assumption E            
41.32    Minneapolis teachers retirement                                   
41.33    plan                               assumption F            
41.34    St. Paul teachers retirement plan                assumption GF                 
41.35    The select calculation is: during the ten-year select 
41.36    period, a designated percent is multiplied by the result 
41.37    of ten minus T, where T is the number of completed 
41.38    years of service, and is added to the applicable future 
41.39    salary increase assumption. The designated percent 
41.40    is 0.2 percent for the correctional state employees 
41.41    retirement plan, the State Patrol retirement plan, 
41.42    the public employees police and fire plan, and the 
41.43    local government correctional service plan;  and 0.3                                    
41.44    percent for the general state employees retirement 
41.45    plan, the general public employees retirement plan, 
41.46    the teachers retirement plan, the Duluth Teachers 
41.47    Retirement Fund Association, and the St. Paul 
41.48    Teachers Retirement Fund Association; and 0.4                              
        percent for the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
        Fund Association.                                      
41.51    The ultimate future salary increase assumption is:
42.1     age  A      B      C      D      E      F      GF      HG      
42.2     16   6.95%  6.95%  11.50% 8.20%  8.00%  6.50%  6.90%  7.7500 
42.3     17   6.90   6.90   11.50  8.15   8.00   6.50   6.90   7.7500 
42.4     18   6.85   6.85   11.50  8.10   8.00   6.50   6.90   7.7500 
42.5     19   6.80   6.80   11.50  8.05   8.00   6.50   6.90   7.7500 
42.6     20   6.75   6.40   11.50  6.00   6.90   6.50   6.90   7.7500 
42.7     21   6.75   6.40   11.50  6.00   6.90   6.50   6.90   7.1454 
42.8     22   6.75   6.40   11.00  6.00   6.90   6.50   6.90   7.0725 
42.9     23   6.75   6.40   10.50  6.00   6.85   6.50   6.85   7.0544 
42.10    24   6.75   6.40   10.00  6.00   6.80   6.50   6.80   7.0363 
42.11    25   6.75   6.40   9.50   6.00   6.75   6.50   6.75   7.0000 
42.12    26   6.75   6.36   9.20   6.00   6.70   6.50   6.70   7.0000 
42.13    27   6.75   6.32   8.90   6.00   6.65   6.50   6.65   7.0000 
42.14    28   6.75   6.28   8.60   6.00   6.60   6.50   6.60   7.0000 
42.15    29   6.75   6.24   8.30   6.00   6.55   6.50   6.55   7.0000 
42.16    30   6.75   6.20   8.00   6.00   6.50   6.50   6.50   7.0000 
42.17    31   6.75   6.16   7.80   6.00   6.45   6.50   6.45   7.0000 
42.18    32   6.75   6.12   7.60   6.00   6.40   6.50   6.40   7.0000 
42.19    33   6.75   6.08   7.40   6.00   6.35   6.50   6.35   7.0000 
42.20    34   6.75   6.04   7.20   6.00   6.30   6.50   6.30   7.0000 
42.21    35   6.75   6.00   7.00   6.00   6.25   6.50   6.25   7.0000 
42.22    36   6.75   5.96   6.80   6.00   6.20   6.50   6.20   6.9019 
42.23    37   6.75   5.92   6.60   6.00   6.15   6.50   6.15   6.8074 
42.24    38   6.75   5.88   6.40   5.90   6.10   6.50   6.10   6.7125 
42.25    39   6.75   5.84   6.20   5.80   6.05   6.50   6.05   6.6054 
42.26    40   6.75   5.80   6.00   5.70   6.00   6.50   6.00   6.5000 
42.27    41   6.75   5.76   5.90   5.60   5.90   6.50   5.95   6.3540 
42.28    42   6.75   5.72   5.80   5.50   5.80   6.50   5.90   6.2087 
42.29    43   6.65   5.68   5.70   5.40   5.70   6.50   5.85   6.0622 
42.30    44   6.55   5.64   5.60   5.30   5.60   6.50   5.80   5.9048 
42.31    45   6.45   5.60   5.50   5.20   5.50   6.50   5.75   5.7500 
42.32    46   6.35   5.56   5.45   5.10   5.40   6.40   5.70   5.6940 
42.33    47   6.25   5.52   5.40   5.00   5.30   6.30   5.65   5.6375 
42.34    48   6.15   5.48   5.35   5.00   5.20   6.20   5.60   5.5822 
42.35    49   6.05   5.44   5.30   5.00   5.10   6.10   5.55   5.5404 
42.36    50   5.95   5.40   5.25   5.00   5.00   6.00   5.50   5.5000 
42.37    51   5.85   5.36   5.25   5.00   5.00   5.90   5.45   5.4384 
42.38    52   5.75   5.32   5.25   5.00   5.00   5.80   5.40   5.3776 
42.39    53   5.65   5.28   5.25   5.00   5.00   5.70   5.35   5.3167 
42.40    54   5.55   5.24   5.25   5.00   5.00   5.60   5.30   5.2826 
42.41    55   5.45   5.20   5.25   5.00   5.00   5.50   5.25   5.2500 
42.42    56   5.35   5.16   5.25   5.00   5.00   5.40   5.20   5.2500 
42.43    57   5.25   5.12   5.25   5.00   5.00   5.30   5.15   5.2500 
42.44    58   5.25   5.08   5.25   5.10   5.00   5.20   5.10   5.2500 
42.45    59   5.25   5.04   5.25   5.20   5.00   5.10   5.05   5.2500 
42.46    60   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.30   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.1     61   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.40   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.2     62   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.50   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.3     63   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.60   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.4     64   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.70   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.5     65   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.70   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.6     66   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.70   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.7     67   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.70   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.8     68   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.70   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.9     69   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.70   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.10    70   5.25   5.00   5.25   5.70   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.2500 
43.11    71   5.25   5.00          5.70                               
43.12    (c) The actuarial valuation must use the applicable following payroll growth 
43.13    assumption for calculating the amortization requirement for the unfunded actuarial 
43.14    accrued liability where the amortization retirement is calculated as a level percentage 
43.15    of an increasing payroll:
43.16                                           payroll growth      
43.17    plan                                     assumption        
43.18    general state employees retirement plan          5.00%
43.19    correctional state employees retirement plan          5.00 
43.20    State Patrol retirement plan                5.00 
43.21    legislators retirement plan                 5.00 
43.22    elective state officers retirement plan          5.00 
43.23    judges retirement plan                      5.00 
43.24    general public employees retirement plan          6.00 
43.25    public employees police and fire retirement                
43.26    plan                                        6.00 
43.27    local government correctional service                
43.28    retirement plan                             6.00 
43.29    teachers retirement plan                    5.00 
43.30    Duluth teachers retirement plan             5.00 
43.31    Minneapolis teachers retirement plan          5.00 
43.32    St. Paul teachers retirement plan           5.00 

43.33        Sec. 33. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.215, subdivision 11, is amended to read:
43.34        Subd. 11. Amortization contributions. (a) In addition to the exhibit indicating the 
43.35    level normal cost, the actuarial valuation must contain an exhibit indicating the additional 
43.36    annual contribution sufficient to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liability. For 
43.37    funds governed by chapters 3A, 352, 352B, 352C, 353, 354, 354A, and 490, the additional 
43.38    contribution must be calculated on a level percentage of covered payroll basis by the 
43.39    established date for full funding in effect when the valuation is prepared. For funds 
43.40    governed by chapter 3A, sections    352.90 through    352.951, chapters 352B, 352C, sections    
43.41    353.63 through    353.68, and chapters 353C, 354A, and 490, the level percent additional 
44.1     contribution must be calculated assuming annual payroll growth of 6.5 percent. For funds 
44.2     governed by sections    352.01 through    352.86 and chapter 354, the level percent additional 
44.3     contribution must be calculated assuming an annual payroll growth of five percent. For the 
44.4     fund governed by sections    353.01 through    353.46, the level percent additional contribution 
44.5     must be calculated assuming an annual payroll growth of six percent. For all other funds, 
44.6     the additional annual contribution must be calculated on a level annual dollar amount basis. 
44.7     (b) For any fund other than the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund and the 
44.8     Public Employees Retirement Association general plan, if there has not been a change in 
44.9     the actuarial assumptions used for calculating the actuarial accrued liability of the fund, a 
44.10    change in the benefit plan governing annuities and benefits payable from the fund, a 
44.11    change in the actuarial cost method used in calculating the actuarial accrued liability of all 
44.12    or a portion of the fund, or a combination of the three, which change or changes by itself 
44.13    or by themselves without inclusion of any other items of increase or decrease produce a 
44.14    net increase in the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of the fund, the established date for 
44.15    full funding is the first actuarial valuation date occurring after June 1, 2020.
44.16    (c) For any fund or plan other than the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund and 
44.17    the Public Employees Retirement Association general plan, if there has been a change in 
44.18    any or all of the actuarial assumptions used for calculating the actuarial accrued liability 
44.19    of the fund, a change in the benefit plan governing annuities and benefits payable from 
44.20    the fund, a change in the actuarial cost method used in calculating the actuarial accrued 
44.21    liability of all or a portion of the fund, or a combination of the three, and the change or 
44.22    changes, by itself or by themselves and without inclusion of any other items of increase or 
44.23    decrease, produce a net increase in the unfunded actuarial accrued liability in the fund, the 
44.24    established date for full funding must be determined using the following procedure:
44.25    (i) the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of the fund must be determined in 
44.26    accordance with the plan provisions governing annuities and retirement benefits and the 
44.27    actuarial assumptions in effect before an applicable change;
44.28    (ii) the level annual dollar contribution or level percentage, whichever is applicable, 
44.29    needed to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liability amount determined under item 
44.30    (i) by the established date for full funding in effect before the change must be calculated 
44.31    using the interest assumption specified in subdivision 8 in effect before the change;
44.32    (iii) the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of the fund must be determined in 
44.33    accordance with any new plan provisions governing annuities and benefits payable from 
44.34    the fund and any new actuarial assumptions and the remaining plan provisions governing 
44.35    annuities and benefits payable from the fund and actuarial assumptions in effect before 
44.36    the change;
45.1     (iv) the level annual dollar contribution or level percentage, whichever is applicable, 
45.2     needed to amortize the difference between the unfunded actuarial accrued liability amount 
45.3     calculated under item (i) and the unfunded actuarial accrued liability amount calculated 
45.4     under item (iii) over a period of 30 years from the end of the plan year in which the 
45.5     applicable change is effective must be calculated using the applicable interest assumption 
45.6     specified in subdivision 8 in effect after any applicable change;
45.7     (v) the level annual dollar or level percentage amortization contribution under item 
45.8     (iv) must be added to the level annual dollar amortization contribution or level percentage 
45.9     calculated under item (ii);
45.10    (vi) the period in which the unfunded actuarial accrued liability amount determined 
45.11    in item (iii) is amortized by the total level annual dollar or level percentage amortization 
45.12    contribution computed under item (v) must be calculated using the interest assumption 
45.13    specified in subdivision 8 in effect after any applicable change, rounded to the nearest 
45.14    integral number of years, but not to exceed 30 years from the end of the plan year in 
45.15    which the determination of the established date for full funding using the procedure set 
45.16    forth in this clause is made and not to be less than the period of years beginning in the 
45.17    plan year in which the determination of the established date for full funding using the 
45.18    procedure set forth in this clause is made and ending by the date for full funding in effect 
45.19    before the change; and
45.20    (vii) the period determined under item (vi) must be added to the date as of which 
45.21    the actuarial valuation was prepared and the date obtained is the new established date 
45.22    for full funding.
45.23    (d) For the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund, the established date for full 
45.24    funding is June 30, 2020.
45.25    (e) For the general employees retirement plan of the Public Employees Retirement 
45.26    Association, the established date for full funding is June 30, 2031.
45.27    (f) For the Teachers Retirement Association, the established date for full funding is 
45.28    June 30, 2037.
45.29    (g) For the retirement plans for which the annual actuarial valuation indicates an 
45.30    excess of valuation assets over the actuarial accrued liability, the valuation assets in 
45.31    excess of the actuarial accrued liability must be recognized as a reduction in the current 
45.32    contribution requirements by an amount equal to the amortization of the excess expressed 
45.33    as a level percentage of pay over a 30-year period beginning anew with each annual 
45.34    actuarial valuation of the plan.

45.35        Sec. 34. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.30, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
45.36        Subd. 3. Covered plans. This section applies to the following retirement plans:
46.1     (1) the general state employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State Retirement 
46.2     System, established under chapter 352;
46.3     (2) the correctional state employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State 
46.4     Retirement System, established under chapter 352;
46.5     (3) the unclassified employees retirement program, established under chapter 352D;
46.6     (4) the State Patrol retirement plan, established under chapter 352B;
46.7     (5) the legislators retirement plan, established under chapter 3A;
46.8     (6) the elective state officers' retirement plan, established under chapter 352C;
46.9     (7) the general employees retirement plan of the Public Employees Retirement 
46.10    Association, established under chapter 353;
46.11    (8) the public employees police and fire retirement plan of the Public Employees 
46.12    Retirement Association, established under chapter 353;
46.13    (9) the local government correctional service retirement plan of the Public 
46.14    Employees Retirement Association, established under chapter 353E;
46.15    (10) the Teachers Retirement Association, established under chapter 354;
46.16    (11) the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund, established under chapter 422A;
46.17    (12) the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association, established under 
46.18    chapter 354A;
46.19    (13) (12) the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, established under 
46.20    chapter 354A;
46.21    (14) (13) the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association, established under 
46.22    chapter 354A; and
46.23    (15) (14) the judges' retirement fund, established by sections  490.121 to  490.132. 

46.24        Sec. 35. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.302, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
46.25        Subd. 7. Covered retirement plans. This section applies to the following 
46.26    retirement plans:
46.27    (1) the general state employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State Retirement 
46.28    System, established by chapter 352;
46.29    (2) the unclassified state employees retirement program of the Minnesota State 
46.30    Retirement System, established by chapter 352D;
46.31    (3) the general employees retirement plan of the Public Employees Retirement 
46.32    Association, established by chapter 353;
46.33    (4) the Teachers Retirement Association, established by chapter 354;
46.34    (5) the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association, established by chapter 354A;
46.35    (6) the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association, established by chapter 
46.36    354A;
47.1     (7) (6) the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, established by chapter 
47.2     354A;
47.3     (8) (7) the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund, established by chapter 422A;
47.4     (9) (8) the state correctional employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State 
47.5     Retirement System, established by chapter 352;
47.6     (10) (9) the State Patrol retirement plan, established by chapter 352B;
47.7     (11) (10) the public employees police and fire plan of the Public Employees 
47.8     Retirement Association, established by chapter 353;
47.9     (12) (11) the local government correctional service retirement plan of the Public 
47.10    Employees Retirement Association, established by chapter 353E; and
47.11    (13) (12) the judges' retirement plan, established by sections  490.121 to  490.132. 

47.12        Sec. 36. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.303, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
47.13        Subd. 4. Covered retirement plans. This section applies to the following 
47.14    retirement plans:
47.15    (1) the legislators retirement plan, established by chapter 3A;
47.16    (2) the general state employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State Retirement 
47.17    System, established by chapter 352;
47.18    (3) the correctional state employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State 
47.19    Retirement System, established by chapter 352;
47.20    (4) the State Patrol retirement plan, established by chapter 352B;
47.21    (5) the elective state officers retirement plan, established by chapter 352C;
47.22    (6) the unclassified state employees retirement program, established by chapter 
47.23    352D;
47.24    (7) the general employees retirement plan of the Public Employees Retirement 
47.25    Association, established by chapter 353;
47.26    (8) the public employees police and fire plan of the Public Employees Retirement 
47.27    Association, established by chapter 353;
47.28    (9) the local government correctional service retirement plan of the Public 
47.29    Employees Retirement Association, established by chapter 353E;
47.30    (10) the Teachers Retirement Association, established by chapter 354;
47.31    (11) the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association, established by chapter 354A;
47.32    (12) the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association, established by chapter 
47.33    354A;
47.34    (13) (12) the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, established by chapter 
47.35    354A;
48.1     (14) (13) the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund, established by chapter 
48.2     422A; and
48.3     (15) (14) the judges' retirement fund, established by sections  490.121 to  490.132. 

48.4         Sec. 37. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.315, is amended by adding a subdivision 
48.5     to read:
48.6         Subd. 1a. Coordinated plan members. The applicable benefit accrual rate is 
48.7     1.5 percent.

48.8         Sec. 38. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.315, is amended by adding a subdivision 
48.9     to read:
48.10        Subd. 2b. Certain coordinated program members. The applicable benefit accrual 
48.11    rate is 1.9 percent.

48.12        Sec. 39. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.42, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
48.13        Subd. 3. Covered retirement plans. The postretirement adjustment provided in 
48.14    this section applies to the following retirement funds:
48.15    (1) the general employees retirement plans of the Public Employees Retirement 
48.16    Association;
48.17    (2) the public employees police and fire plan of the Public Employees Retirement 
48.18    Association;
48.19    (3) the teachers retirement association;
48.20    (4) the State Patrol retirement plan;
48.21    (5) the state employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State Retirement System;
48.22    (6) the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association established under 
48.23    chapter 354A;
48.24    (7) (6) the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association established under chapter 
48.25    354A; and
48.26    (8) (7) the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association established under chapter 
48.27    354A.

48.28        Sec. 40. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.465, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
48.29        Subd. 3. Covered retirement plans. The provisions of this section apply to the 
48.30    following retirement plans:
48.31    (1) the general state employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State Retirement 
48.32    System established under chapter 352;
48.33    (2) the correctional state employees retirement plan of the Minnesota State 
48.34    Retirement System established under chapter 352;
48.35    (3) the State Patrol retirement plan established under chapter 352B;
49.1     (4) the legislators retirement plan established under chapter 3A;
49.2     (5) the judges retirement plan established under chapter 490;
49.3     (6) the general employees retirement plan of the Public Employees Retirement 
49.4     Association established under chapter 353;
49.5     (7) the public employees police and fire plan of the Public Employees Retirement 
49.6     Association established under chapter 353;
49.7     (8) the teachers retirement plan established under chapter 354;
49.8     (9) the Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association established under chapter 
49.9     354A;
49.10    (10) the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association established under chapter 
49.11    354A;
49.12    (11) the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association established under 
49.13    chapter 354A;
49.14    (12) (11) the Minneapolis employees retirement plan established under chapter 
49.15    422A;
49.16    (13) (12) the Minneapolis Firefighters Relief Association established under chapter 
49.17    423C;
49.18    (14) (13) the Minneapolis Police Relief Association established under chapter 
49.19    423B; and
49.20    (15) (14) the local government correctional service retirement plan of the Public 
49.21    Employees Retirement Association established under chapter 353E.

49.22        Sec. 41. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 423A.02, subdivision 1b, is amended to read:
49.23        Subd. 1b. Additional amortization state aid. (a) Annually, on October 1, the 
49.24    commissioner of revenue shall allocate the additional amortization state aid transferred 
49.25    under section   69.021, subdivision 11, to: 
49.26    (1) all police or salaried firefighters relief associations governed by and in full 
49.27    compliance with the requirements of section   69.77, that had an unfunded actuarial accrued 
49.28    liability in the actuarial valuation prepared under sections   356.215 and   356.216 as of the 
49.29    preceding December 31; 
49.30    (2) all local police or salaried firefighter consolidation accounts governed by chapter 
49.31    353A that are certified by the executive director of the public employees retirement 
49.32    association as having for the current fiscal year an additional municipal contribution 
49.33    amount under section   353A.09, subdivision 5, paragraph (b), and that have implemented 
49.34    section   353A.083, subdivision 1, if the effective date of the consolidation preceded May 
49.35    24, 1993, and that have implemented section   353A.083, subdivision 2, if the effective date 
49.36    of the consolidation preceded June 1, 1995; and 
50.1     (3) the municipalities that are required to make an additional municipal contribution 
50.2     under section   353.665, subdivision 8, for the duration of the required additional 
50.3     contribution. 
50.4     (b) The commissioner shall allocate the state aid on the basis of the proportional share 
50.5     of the relief association or consolidation account of the total unfunded actuarial accrued 
50.6     liability of all recipient relief associations and consolidation accounts as of December 31, 
50.7     1993, for relief associations, and as of June 30, 1994, for consolidation accounts.
50.8     (c) Beginning October 1, 2000, and annually thereafter, the commissioner shall 
50.9     allocate the state aid, including any state aid in excess of the limitation in subdivision 
50.10    4, on the following basis:
50.11    (1) 64.5 percent to the municipalities to which section   353.665, subdivision 
50.12    8, paragraph (b), or   353A.09, subdivision 5, paragraph (b), apply for distribution in 
50.13    accordance with paragraph (b) and subject to the limitation in subdivision 4; 
50.14    (2) 34.2 percent to the city of Minneapolis to fund any unfunded actuarial accrued 
50.15    liability in the actuarial valuation prepared under sections   356.215 and   356.216 as of the 
50.16    preceding December 31 for the Minneapolis Police Relief Association or the Minneapolis 
50.17    Fire Department Relief Association; and 
50.18    (3)  1.3 percent to the city of Virginia to fund any unfunded actuarial accrued liability 
50.19    in the actuarial valuation prepared under sections   356.215 and   356.216 as of the preceding 
50.20    December 31 for the Virginia Fire Department Relief Association. 
50.21    If there is no unfunded actuarial accrued liability in both the Minneapolis Police 
50.22    Relief Association and the Minneapolis Fire Department Relief Association as disclosed 
50.23    in the most recent actuarial valuations for the relief associations prepared under sections   
50.24    356.215 and   356.216, the commissioner shall allocate that 34.2 percent of the aid as 
50.25    follows: 49 percent to the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association, 21 percent 
50.26    to the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, and 30 percent as additional 
50.27    funding to support minimum fire state aid for volunteer firefighters relief associations. 
50.28    If there is no unfunded actuarial accrued liability in the Virginia Fire Department Relief 
50.29    Association as disclosed in the most recent actuarial valuation for the relief association 
50.30    prepared under sections   356.215 and   356.216, the commissioner shall allocate that 1.3 
50.31    percent of the aid as follows: 49 percent to the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund 
50.32    Association, 21 percent to the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association, and 30 
50.33    percent as additional funding to support minimum fire state aid for volunteer firefighters 
50.34    relief associations. The allocation must be made by the commissioner at the same time and 
50.35    under the same procedures as specified in subdivision 3. With respect to the Minneapolis 
50.36    Teachers Retirement Fund Association or the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund 
51.1     Association, annually, beginning on July 1, 2005, if the applicable teacher's association 
51.2     five-year average time-weighted rate of investment return does not equal or exceed the 
51.3     performance of a composite portfolio assumed passively managed (indexed) invested ten 
51.4     percent in cash equivalents, 60 percent in bonds and similar debt securities, and 30 percent 
51.5     in domestic stock calculated using the formula under section   11A.04, clause (11), the aid 
51.6     allocation to that retirement fund under this section ceases until the five-year annual rate 
51.7     of investment return equals or exceeds the performance of that composite portfolio. 
51.8     (d) The amounts required under this subdivision are annually appropriated to the 
51.9     commissioner of revenue.

51.10        Sec. 42. FULL FUNDING DATE.
51.11    Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, for the Teachers Retirement 
51.12    Association, the established date for full funding is June 30, 2037.

51.14    (a) An employee of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association on the 
51.15    date of enactment has an employment preference for subsequent employment by the 
51.16    Teachers Retirement Association, the Minnesota State Retirement System, or the Public 
51.17    Employees Retirement Association equivalent to the preference provided to armed forces 
51.18    veterans under state law and Department of Employee Relations practice. 
51.19    (b) A person other than the chief administrator, employed by the former Minneapolis 
51.20    Teachers Retirement Fund Association on July 1, 2006, and remained so employed on 
51.21    June 30, 2007, must be retained by the Teachers Retirement Association as a member of 
51.22    the administrative staff of the plan as of July 1, 2007, in a position compatible with the 
51.23    person's education and experience with salary and benefits that are comparable to that of 
51.24    the person's prior Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association employment. 
51.25    (c) The obligation of the Teachers Retirement Association under paragraph (b) 
51.26    expires on June 30, 2008.

51.28    (a) The articles of incorporation and bylaws of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
51.29    Fund Association are repealed and have application only as provided in section 8, 
51.30    subdivision 6, and in paragraph (b).
51.31    (b) The articles of incorporation and bylaws of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
51.32    Fund Association only apply to members of the former Minneapolis Teachers Retirement 
51.33    Fund Association with service credit in the plan on or before June 30, 2006, and apply 
51.34    solely for purposes of determining the retirement annuity for or benefit on behalf of a 
51.35    member of the basic program of that retirement plan.
52.1     (c) No annuity adjustment or increase under article 30 of the articles of incorporation 
52.2     of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association is applicable or payable after 
52.3     June 30, 2006.

52.4         Sec. 45.  REPEALER.
52.5     Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 354A.051; 354A.105; 354A.23, subdivision 1; 
52.6     and 354A.28, are repealed effective June 30, 2006.

52.7         Sec. 46. EFFECTIVE DATE.
52.8     Sections 1 to 45 are effective July 1, 2006.”
52.9     Amend the title accordingly