1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 2362, the first engrossment, as follows: 1.2 Page 71, after line 15, insert: 1.3 ”Sec. 3. [423B.23] RECOMPUTATION OF DISABLED BENEFIT 1.4 PROHIBITED. 1.5 Notwithstanding section 423A.11, the Board of Directors of the Minneapolis Police 1.6 Relief Association shall not recompute the disability benefit of a member who became 1.7 permanently disabled as the result of a service-related disease or injury. Any prior 1.8 recomputation of a disabled member's service-related disability pension shall be revoked 1.9 upon the member's request and upon the member's signed and sworn agreement to waive 1.10 any right to a recomputation of that benefit in the future. Non-service-related disability 1.11 pension benefits that were recomputed at full 25-year service pensions shall remain 1.12 in effect.” 1.13 Page 71, after line 23, insert: 1.14 ”(c) Section 3 is effective the day after the governing body of the city of Minneapolis 1.15 and its chief clerical officer timely complete their compliance with Minnesota Statutes, 1.16 section 645.021, subdivisions 2 and 3.” 1.17 Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references 1.18 Amend the title accordingly