1.1     Senator .................... moves to amend S.F. No. 0000 as follows:
1.2     Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

1.3         "Section 1. [11A.243] INVESTMENT IN SUDAN.
1.4         Subdivision 1.(a) For the purposes of this section, the following item shall have 
1.5     the meaning given to it in this subdivision.
1.6     (b) "Equity tie" means:
1.7     (1) ownership of equipment, facilities, or property; or
1.8     (2) maintenance of employees or any other apparatus of business or commerce.
1.9         Subd. 2. List of investments. By January 15 and July 15 of each year, the state 
1.10    board shall:
1.11    (1) compile a list of corporations with an equity tie to Sudan and in whose stocks or 
1.12    obligations the board has invested under section 11A.24, subdivision 3 or 5; and
1.13    (2) determine in writing whether each corporation on the list has, during the 
1.14    preceding 12 months, taken steps to divest equity ties to Sudan.
1.15        Subd. 3. Shareholder policy. Whenever feasible, the board shall:
1.16     (1) sponsor, cosponsor, or support shareholder resolutions designed to encourage 
1.17    corporations listed under subdivision 2 to divest equity ties to Sudan; and 
1.18    (2) develop and implement a strategy to directly request corporations listed under 
1.19    subdivision 2 to divest equity ties to Sudan.
1.20        Subd. 4. Divestment not required. Nothing in this section may be construed to 
1.21    require the state board to dispose of existing investments or to make future investments 
1.22    that violate sound investment policy for public pensions.
1.23        Subd. 5. Report. By January 15 and July 15 of each year, the board shall 
1.24    provide a report to the legislature, as provided in section 3.195, that contains the list of 
1.25    corporations required under subdivision 2, together with any relevant determinations and 
1.26    considerations, and a description of any actions taken under subdivision 3. The board 
1.27    shall also post a copy of the report on its Web site and provide a copy of the report to each 
1.28    member of the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement."
1.29    Amend the title accordingly