1.1     .................... moves to amend S.F. No. .....; H.F. No. ...., as follows:
1.2     Page ..., after line ..., insert:

1.5     (a) An eligible person described in paragraph (b) in authorized to purchase allowable 
1.6     and formula service credit in the Teachers Retirement Association for any period of an 
1.7     eligible person's extended leave that was not properly reported to the Teachers Retirement 
1.8     Association by Independent School District No. 831, Forest Lake. Allowable formula 
1.9     service credit and salary credit is granted under Minnesota Statutes, section 354.05, 
1.10    subdivision 13, to the eligible person upon making the payment required under paragraph 
1.11    (c).
1.12    (b) An eligible person is a person who:
1.13    (1) was born on November 23, 1949;
1.14    (2) was initially employed as a teacher in September 1974;
1.15    (3) is employed by Independent School District No. 831, Forest Lake; and
1.16    (4) took an extended leave for the 2001-2002 school year that was not reported 
1.17    to the Teachers Retirement Association in a timely fashion as required by Minnesota 
1.18    Statutes, section 354.094.
1.19    (c) The eligible person is authorized to make an employee equivalent contribution 
1.20    payment equal to ten percent of the person's school year salary received during the year 
1.21    immediately preceding the extended leave, plus compound interest at the rate of 8.5 
1.22    percent per annum from July 1, 2001, to the date on which the lump sum payment is made.
1.23    (d) If the eligible person makes the payment under paragraph (c), the executive 
1.24    director of the Teachers Retirement Association shall, within 30 days, notify Independent 
1.25    School District No. 831, Forest Lake, of its obligation under this section. The school 
1.26    district's obligation is the balance of the prior service credit purchase payment amount 
1.27    determined under Minnesota Statutes, section 356.551, which exceeds the payment under 
1.28    paragraph (c). If the school district fails to pay its obligation within 60 days following 
1.29    notification, the executive director shall certify that failure and the amount due to the 
1.30    commissioner of finance, who shall deduct the amount due from any subsequent state aid 
1.31    payable to Independent School District No. 831, Forest Lake, plus interest at the rate of 
1.32    0.71 percent per month from the date of the payment under paragraph (c) to the date of 
1.33    the actual payment.
1.34    (e) This provision expires on July 1, 2007, or upon termination of covered service, 
1.35    whichever is earlier."
1.36    Page ..., after line ..., insert:

2.1         "Sec. .... EFFECTIVE DATE.
2.2     Section ... is effective the day following final enactment."
2.3     Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references 
2.4     Amend the title accordingly