1.1     .................... moves to amend S.F. No. .....; H.F. No. ..... as follows:
1.2     Page .., after line .., insert:

1.5         Subdivision 1. Authorization. An eligible individual specified in subdivision 2 is 
1.6     authorized to have a review of health care coverage eligibility as specified in subdivision 3.
1.7         Subd. 2. Eligibility. An eligible person is an individual who:
1.8     (1) was a member of the Public Employees Retirement Association police and fire 
1.9     plan due to employment as a firefighter with the city of Richfield;
1.10    (2) became disabled and was granted a duty-related disability benefit from the Public 
1.11    Employees Retirement Association police and fire plan on November 20, 2002; and
1.12    (3) is not receiving employer-paid health care coverage under the program 
1.13    established by Minnesota Statutes, section 299A.465, due to a determination by the city 
1.14    of Richfield that the individual does not satisfy all eligibility requirements for inclusion 
1.15    under that program.
1.16        Subd. 3. Treatment. Notwithstanding that the disability benefit was granted a few 
1.17    years before the creation of the review panel, and notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, 
1.18    section 299A.465, subdivision 6, which requires that applications for review by the 
1.19    panel created under that section be submitted to the panel within 90 days of approval of 
1.20    a disability benefit application by the applicable retirement plan, an eligible individual 
1.21    under subdivision 2 may submit an application to the panel within 90 days of the effective 
1.22    date of this section. The panel shall make a determination of whether the firefighter meets 
1.23    the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 299A.465, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), 
1.24    clause (2). The panel's final determination is binding on the applicant and the employer, 
1.25    subject to any right of judicial review."
1.26    Page .., after line .., insert:

2.1         "Sec. ... EFFECTIVE DATE.
2.2     Section .. is effective the day after the Richfield city council and the city's chief 
2.3     clerical officer complete in a timely manner their compliance with Minnesota Statutes, 
2.4     section 645.021, subdivisions 2 and 3."
2.5     Renumber the sections in sequence and correct internal cross-references
2.6     Amend the title accordingly