1.1 .................... moves to amend S.F. No. ....; H.F. No. ...., as follows: 1.2 Page ..., after line ..., insert: 1.3 ”Sec. .... INTERNATIONAL FALLS AND RED WING SCHOOL STRIKE 1.4 SERVICE CREDIT PROVISION. 1.5 Notwithstanding the payment deadline specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 1.6 356.195, subdivision 2, paragraph (b), a teacher who was covered by the Teachers 1.7 Retirement Association and who was on strike between September 20, 2002, and October 1.8 14, 2002, if the teacher was employed by the International Falls public schools or was on 1.9 strike between October 22, 2002, and November 14, 2002, if the teacher was employed by 1.10 the Red Wing public schools, is authorized to make a payment to the Teachers Retirement 1.11 Association and receive allowable and formula service credit under Minnesota Statutes, 1.12 section 354.05, subdivisions 13 and25, for the applicable strike period under Minnesota 1.13 Statutes, section 356.195, subdivision 2, paragraph (b) if the payment is made within one 1.14 year of the effective date of this section.” 1.15 Page ..., line ..., after ”................. .”, insert ”Section ... (relating to the International 1.16 Falls/Red Wing strike service credit) is effective the day following final enactment.” 1.17 Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references 1.18 Amend the title accordingly