1.1 M ............... moves to amend S.F. No. ....; H.F. No.
1.2 ...., as follows:
1.3 Page .., after line .., insert:
1.4 "Sec. ... Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 356.47,
1.5 subdivision 3, is amended to read:
1.6 Subd. 3. PAYMENT. (a) Upon the retired member attaining
1.7 the age of 65 years or upon the first day of the month next
1.8 following the month occurring one year after the termination of
1.9 the reemployment that gave rise to the limitation, whichever is
1.10 later, and the filing of a written application, the retired
1.11 member is entitled to the payment, in a lump sum, of the value
1.12 of the person's amount under subdivision 2, plus interest at the
1.13 compound annual rate of six percent from the date that the
1.14 amount was deducted from the retirement annuity to the date of
1.15 payment.
1.16 (b) The written application must be on a form prescribed by
1.17 the chief administrative officer of the applicable retirement
1.18 plan.
1.19 (c) If the retired member dies before the payment provided
1.20 for in paragraph (a) is made, the amount is payable, upon
1.21 written application, to the deceased person's surviving spouse,
1.22 or if none, to the deceased person's designated beneficiary, or
1.23 if none, to the deceased person's estate.
1.24 (d) In lieu of the direct payment of the person's amount
1.25 under subdivision 2, on or after the payment date under
1.26 paragraph (a), if the federal Internal Revenue Code so permits,
1.27 the retired member may roll the amount over into a tax qualified
1.28 plan under section 401(a), 403(b), 408, or 457 of the federal
1.29 Internal Revenue Code."
1.30 Page .., line .., after "......." insert "Section ..
1.31 (amendment to Minnesota Statutes, section 356.47, subdivision 3)
1.32 is effective on July 1, 2005, and applies to retired members
1.33 with an amount in a reemployed annuitant's account on or after
1.34 that date."
1.35 Renumber the sections in sequence
1.36 Correct the internal references
2.1 Amend the title accordingly