1.1 M ............... moves to amend S.F. No. 1963; H.F. No.
1.2 ...., as follows:
1.3 Page 1, line 22, before "employed" insert "who were"
1.4 Page 1, line 23, before "following" insert "and who were
1.5 members of the Public Employees Retirement Association general
1.6 plan due to that employment are not permitted to remain as
1.7 active members of the plan"
1.8 Page 1, line 24, strike everything after "vendor"
1.9 Page 1, line 25, delete "under"
1.10 Page 2, line 1, strike "chapter 353"
1.11 Page 2, delete line 2
1.12 Page 2, line 3, delete "chapter 353F"
1.13 Page 2, after line 15, insert:
1.14 "Sec. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE.
1.15 Section 1 is effective on the day following final enactment
1.16 and applies to privatizations occurring on or after the
1.17 effective date."