1.1 M ............... moves to amend S.F. No. 1519; H.F. No.
1.2 1615, as follows:
1.3 Page 10, delete lines 13 to 17 and insert "Retirement
1.4 Association an amount equal to:
1.5 (1) the required reserves of the annuitants of the
1.6 coordinated program of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund
1.7 Association, reduced in amount to reflect the difference between
1.8 the asset value of the Minnesota post retirement investment fund
1.9 and the required reserves as of June 30, 2005; and
1.10 (2) the actuarial accrued liability of the active members,
1.11 deferred members, and nonvested inactive members of the former
1.12 coordinated program of the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund
1.13 Association as of July 1, 2005.